I Think I Will Keep You - Theo Pov

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We finish our meal and leave the restaurant hand in hand. Dinner went well and we talked about our childhood and things we've yet to experience that we want too. I hug Shai close to me as we wait for the valet to return my car.
"Thank you. Dinner was wonderful" Shai tells me looking up at me from her spot under my arm.
"Your very welcome. That food was fantastic. And the company was ideal" I tell her. The car pulls up in front of us and I open the door for her. Once she's seated I close the door and make my way around and climb in next to her.
"So I have something else planned if your happy to spend more time with me?" I ask raising an eyebrow at her. She smiles and shakes her head softly.
"Well I don't know. Your kind of annoying! Oh I'm kidding of course I want to spent more time with you" she finishes laughing at the fake insulted face I pull at her.
"Wow. The first date and already you wound me. I don't know if my ego can take it. I'm very fragile you know" I tell her, quivering my lip.
She laughs and the sound is like bells to me. Clear and filled with joy.
"Theo, if you ego was any bigger it would be The biggest thing about you!" She says looking directly at me. I gasp and laugh out loud.
"Oh my god. I think I'm in love. She makes dick jokes!" I say. "I think il keep you around" I tell her, reaching over and grabbing her hand in mine. I place a kiss on her palm before laying our intertwined hands on her leg.
We sing along with the stereo when songs we know play and talk about the meal we shared when we don't. We arrive at the look out and Shai takes in the view as I pull out the blankets and small picnic that I packed earlier.
I lay out a blanket for us to sit on on top of a ground cover, so we stay dry and the cold can't get us, and we make ourselves comfortable. The moon is large and round, close to being full, and it looks near enough to to reach out and grab.
"Wow. Look at all those lights" she sighs looking out over the city that is laid out before us.
"I thought you would like it here. It's a nice place during the day too. I come running up here sometimes. There's a track that runs down through the trees over there" I say pointing to the left of us. We look in the direction of my outstretched arm and I smoothly being my arm down and over Shai's shoulders.
"Wow man. Real smooth" she says laughing as me. I grin back at her. I don't move my arm away and she doesn't try to shrug me off. Instead she leans into my body and rests a hand on my leg. We sit quietly observing the city below us and relax comfortably in the silence between us.
"Theo, do you miss the uk?" She asks me, still looking straight out at the moon.
"Yes. Everyday I miss it slightly more and less at the same time. I miss my family and friends and I miss the familiarity but I don't miss the short summers and long winters. I don't miss the working environment and I don't miss the lack of sandy beaches" I say thinking about the difference between here and there.
"Do you think you'll move back one day?" She enquirers, with her voice ending the question slightly higher than normal.
"It's a possibility. It would be nice to be closer to my family. But in all reality I don't see it happening any time in the near future. There's just to many good things here for me. Would you like a wine?" I ask her pulling the bottle and glasses out of the picnic basket that sits near my feet.
"Yes thank you. Hey speaking of family, I spoke to mum earlier today and she agrees with me that you should come with me, home for Christmas" she clarifies at my raised eyebrow.
"Ok here. Shailene I don't need to be looked after over the Christmas break. I'm a grown man. But thank you, I would love to spend Christmas with you all. When do we leave?" I enquire.
"Well I was going to fly out on the 23rd but I haven't got my ticket yet so il just book us both for around then. If that's ok?" She looks at me and takes a sip of her wine.
"Sure. Ok so I know what to get Tanner but tell me what do I buy for your parents? And your nan. I have to get her something great" I tell her. I feel the start of excitement bubble at the prospect of meeting her nan.
"You know my parents, they like stuff that has a purpose or something they can go and do. And nan, well she loves impractical and whimsy. She would be happy with a bottle of whisky and a lap dance. Mum told me that she's now taken up a life drawing class" she tells me as I explode with laughter. Shailene's laugh rings out to join mine.
"What about you, would you like a lap dance?" I ask her wiggling my eyebrows at her and biting my lip. She smiles at me before answering.
"Theodore! I'm shocked and appalled you even had to ask" she scolds me playfully. I take my que and push myself up onto my knees in front of her. I begin to sway my hips and slowly remove my jacket. The cold air assaults my skin and I shiver. I throw the jacket into the ground and move closer to Shai. She giggles as I shimmy my chest and hips at her. I begin to unbutton my shirt and thrust my pelvis towards her. She reaches for me and runs her fingers down my now bare chest. I bend slightly to place a kiss on her head before I can't take the cold anymore.
"Oh fuck! Ok I give. It's too bloody cold. Come
On" I call grabbing my shirt from her and my jacket from the ground. I quickly pull both over my bare skin and bundle the blankets into my arms. Shailene grabs the picnic basket and we move back into my car. Shailene's cackle of laughter fills the air as she watches me struggle to maintain my composure.
I start the car and blast the heating. Slowly I begin to gain feeling back in my chest and back.
"Oh hell that was cold. I couldn't feel my nipples" I say as I rub my hands over my chest.
"Oh poor baby. I'm the one that should be complaining. You offered and then didn't follow through!" She says pouting at me. "Your lucky your so cute" she tells me smirking.
"Oh I'm sorry my nipples almost got frostbite and I had to get warm before I lost them. Il have you know I'm very attached to them" I say sarcastically. I smile at her before continuing.
"Don't worry you'll get your lap dance. And I can guarantee it will be worth the wait. Now I think before I do anything else stupid we should call it a night. I need to maintain some dignity so you will agree to go on another date with me tomorrow" I tell her.
"Tomorrow?" She asks me surprised.
"Yes love, tomorrow. I will pick you up at 9 am" I say focusing back on the road as we head back to her hotel. The drive is short and filled by our laughter and chatter about random things. 
"No, wrong! It makes more sense for you to only get half the amount of energy, for the full time" I say trying not to laugh, as I pull into the drive of her hotel. I park in the lot and we exit the car quickly making our way inside the warm building.
"No Theo. It's simple science. If you drink half an energy drink you would get have the full energy but for only half the time. Anyway you shouldn't drink that crap anyway. It's so bad for you. And need I remind you it contains bull sperm" she says smiling at me as we wait for the elevator door to open. I shake my head at the floor.
"I thought I told you not to mention that any more. If I want to drink bull sperm I will" I say as the elevator arrives. The door chimes softly as it opens before us. The older couple exit the elevator giving me a strange look and smile softly at them.
"Good evening" I say as they pass me and Shai and I enter the elevator. The door slides close and Shailene lets out a laugh.
"I think they heard you" she says in between her laughter. I shrug at her and just watch her joyfully as she laughs again and again. We reach her floor and walk slowly to her door.
Shai reaches for her keys and opens her door.
"Well thank you for coming out with me tonight. I had a great time and I hope you did too. Now come here" I say pulling her close with my hands on either side of her neck. I bend down and kiss her slowly at first then picking up the pace. I feel she push herself into me and I smile into the kiss. I slowly break away and place a soft kiss on her forehead before walking back towards the elevators, leaving Shai to enter her rooms. As the door to the elevator opens I hear Shai open her door again and walk inside.
"What the hell?, damn smooth fucker?" I hear her mumble to herself before she shuts the door. I stifle a laugh and ride the elevator down and walk to my car with a large smile on my face.

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