Bag End

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🎶Bag End 🍎

Gandalf sighed as he stuffed the note in his pocket, he was very close to Hobbiton the home of his dear friend Bilbo. As he walked tho the quite little village, flutter had began crying very loudly. The hobbits turned their curly heads towards the wizard as he made his way up the hills. As soon as gandalf came to the door, Bilbo opened the door in a second shouting," WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?!?!" This only upset the baby more. Now the angry old wizard growled," Bilbo! You are upsetting her!" This only confused Bilbo more as he exclaimed," whose her?!?" Gandalf rolled his eyes as he managed to get Flutter to stop crying as he showed bilbo the baby. The hobbit gasped as he pushed Gandalf and the babe inside slamming the door. The sound made four hobbits jumped, their names Frodo, Samwise, Meridoc, and Peregrin.

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