The party

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🎂 the party 🎁

Flutter had been living with the Baggins for over 3 years now. She giggled as she raced down the hall with bilbo's favorite pipe in her hand. The old hobbit ran after her yelling," Flutter Baggins!!! If you don't comeback with my pipe, I will whip your bum AGAIN!!!" At this Frodo tried calming his uncle down as he said softly," Uncle Bilbo, it's your birthday rest I've got the little one." Bilbo frowned as he sighed," Frodo m'lad it's your birthday too." Both hobbits watched the small girl set the pipe down and then running around the hole like mad. She stopped dead in her tracks as a knock came, she grinned looking at the hobbits," Pappy I wot it!" The old hobbit nodded as she ran to the door. Three hobbits stood there and picked her up saying," Flutter! Look at you! You grew so much!" These hobbit's were of corse pippin, merry, and Samwise. Samwise smiled at Bilbo saying," Ello Mr Bilbo!" Bilbo smiled saying," why hello my dear boys. Why don't you go help with the party?" The three nodded in agreement as flutter sniffled," bye bye Pippy, Mewwy, Sammy......" As soon as they left, Frodo left also. Leaving Bilbo and Flutter to themselves. After two hours or so, flutter was found playing with her small stuff dragon. She laughed as she made it fly,"fwy!!! Fwy, fwy Cheshiwe." A knock came as bilbo stood up groaning as he yelled," No thank you! I don't want any well wishers!" Gandalf replied sayin," what about very old friends?" Bilbo grinned as he let his friend outside and chuckled. Flutter screeched as she hugged Gandalf sayin," HI GANDY!!" The wizard smiled at her and sat down. The two sat down and started to talk about bilbo's 'going away' party.

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