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It was the big night, Frodo and Bilbo's birthday. All the hobbits danced around laughing, singing, and eating. Gandalf was setting off his fireworks, many hobbit children ran around laughing and screaming. Flutter tugged on Bilbo asking," pappy can I pway too?" The hobbit shook his head saying," no my dear, why don't you go play with Peregrin and Merdico?" The tiny girl ran off to meet her friends, the two hobbits where searching through the fireworks and yelling at each other. Flutter looked up at Merry asking," Mewwy what awe yew dowin?" Merry frowned at his little friend as he scold," go away flutter, your gonna get us in trouble!" Flutter complained as she whimpered," b-but I wanna-" Merry looked at

her knowing Gandalf would find them if she was anywhere near them,"I'll have your hid if you don't get!" the small girl screeched running away. Pippin frowned saying," you didn't have to be so mean....." with that the two lite the firework. They both screeched as it went off, everyone was scared to death as they all ran out around screaming. Flutter shook as she ran away crying and screaming. Once the firework had blown up, everyone clapped in joy. Pippin chuckled," well that could've been worst.." the two hobbit yelped in pain as Gandalf pinched their ears," Merdico Brandybuck and Peregrin Took......I might of known..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2013 ⏰

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