Hedge End Farm

380 23 12

By separate routes we made our journey
Found the gap amongst the hedgerow
Hedge End Cottage hid behind
Made sharp descent to sheep dog welcome
Gathered in with playful barking
Enfolded by the tranquil hillside
Far from worries left behind.

Gathered round the farmhouse table
We ate, we talked, we planned our days.
Dined well each and every evening
Then ascended creaking stairs.

Morning mist soon turned to sunshine
Sheep across the field sought shelter
All beneath a shady tree.
They seldom left its broad wide shadow
But we went out on little sorties
Out to pebbled beach and sea.

Came back to our splendid cottage
Sought to slow the passing days
But soon were on the car park gravel
Cases packed for separate ways
Taking back our Devon memories
And our plans for future years.

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