Web of Words

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I called you my missing piece:
Wrapped you in a web of words;
Caught you in my fantasy;
A dream of love on sight
Of meeting another version of myself.

You warned me what would happen
But such are dreams I would not listen.
I loved you when love was the last thing you wanted
And with one kiss I was lost to time, surroundings and myself.

I never dreamed that you'd love me back
That you'd discover
On Sinai of all places
That you loved me too
"You silly man".

I caught you in my bubble
An unreal world of our own;
But you pricked the bubble
Made me own my words or call them lies.

You made me face up to myself
Own my love, see it for something real.
No easy journey for ourselves or others
But a road that had to be taken
A chance for future happiness.

Now before friends and family
I take you for my own
Grasp what I had only dreamed of
Commit to making all the words
Come true.

Summer Sun, Winter RainOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant