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Thursday; foreword

Hey ho, I'm Fatima aka Fay to some, and I'll be writing on Thursdays.

I'm sixteen years old (I feel the need to disclose my age because I get asked about it so often, it's ridiculous), and I like to write, which more often than not, tends to be when I'm supposed to be doing more important stuff like sleeping, because come on, sleep is pretty damn important.

I like wasting the vast majority of my crying and fawning over a mess of things, some of which include cute and expensive clothes, amazing yet underrated music which no one seems to appreciate, the amount of heaven that is condensed into a cup of chocolate pudding, and cute boy's asses.

I adore writing, as I said, and literally come up with a new story idea based off of every little unusual thing that happens in my boring life. I take a huge amount of pride in my music taste, it's a bit unhealthy. I'm absolute shit at explaining things, managing my time and replying to messages, and I like to think that someday, I will be queen and you all will be my peasants.

That is all for now; I hope you all have had a wonderful Thursday and have a lovely Friday ahead of you!

Ya'll are super cute; f

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