four; i want to go home

123 16 13

write a one shot based on an obstacle you've faced;

"Oh my gosh, what is she even wearing?"

"Have you seen her actual body beneath those baggy clothes? She's a walking skeleton, literally."

"I heard she's pretty fucked up. School, friends, everything. Must suck for her."

"It's not our problem, though. She did it all herself, you know?"

"She's so annoying, too. Like, her voice? God, can she like, just never talk again?"

"She asks the stupidest questions in class, too. No wonder she fails all her quizzes and tests."

"And I always see her walking by herself. Apparently her best friend ditched her."

"Must be a relief for her friend."

"Right? Seriously, I don't think I could last too long with her."

"Honestly, does she even try? She's just so... blah. I don't even know."

"I don't like her that much, really."

"Me neither. Hey, we're gonna be late for class, let's go."

"Alright, I really hope we don't do anything in physics today, that class is just... ugh."


As the voices grew dimmer and dimmer, traces of salty water graced the skin of my cheeks, its touch growing wetter and wetter.

I uncrossed my legs from atop the toilet seat and sat down properly, resting my elbows against my knees as I held my face within my cupped hands, my dark hair curtaining the bright light away from my tender eyes as I sniffled and gnawed at my bottom lip, forcing myself to not to let my heartbroken and betrayed cries, sobs and hiccups escape from beneath my chapped lips.

The harsh sound of the tardy bell sounded, echoing through the small girls' bathroom, and I quickly stood up from my curled up position before grabbing my backpack and hauling it over my shoulders before quickly wiping under my eyes.

I quietly unlocked the stall and slipped out, wiping at my face with my hands as I strode out of the girls' bathroom with long and quick strides, keeping my gaze glued to the tiled floor as the zippers of my backpack jingled and the soles of my converse slapped against the ground almost soundlessly.

As I exited the building, I found myself in a brisk walk towards the parking lot, my sight blurry and my eyes damp as I blinked, searching for my parked car, my only way back to the sole place where I seemed to fit in best; home.

i was going to write more, but i couldn't

and ugh, this is a really bad entry, but hey, it's something

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