five; fall for you

119 11 1

write a one shot based on autumn;

I tapped the head of my pencil against the side of my head, furrowing my eyebrows as my eyes drank in the black inked text typed upon the silky pages of my physics textbook.

"If the speed is constant at a vertical direction," I mumbled to myself, sticking the tip of my tongue out of the corner of my mouth. "Then the acceleration gravity will be nine point eight, and if the force of friction will be -" 

"Dec-laaan!" the voice of my four year old sounded, snapping me out of my intense concentration and causing me to nearly jump out of my chair in surprise. I blinked, steadying the sudden racing of my heartbeat before the soft and barely audible rasp of growing knuckles tapped against my closed bedroom door.

I shuffled over to the door, relishing the feeling of the soft fabric of the carpet squishing beneath my bare feet and filling the empty spaces between my toes. I pulled open the door in one swift motion and immediately looked down at my little sister, smiling at her wispy tendrils of auburn hair that were pulled up into a loose pony tail sitting atop the center of her head like a little tree.

I sank to my knees, essentially sitting in front of her small frame as she grinned at me toothily.

"Hi, Declan!" she chirped, waving her small hand in front of my face.

I took her hand in mine, wiggling my fingers against the soft sensitive skin of her palm, resulting in a fit of giggles from beneath her rosy lips.

"Hi, Lydia," I grinned. "What's up?"

Her light brown eyes went wide with excitement, "Oh, well, when Momma picked me up today, we passed that one park and there were so many pumpkins there and there was this sign and Momma said that it was the Autumn Fair and she said I could go if you took me, and oh, please Declan, can we go?!"

I took in her breathy and jumbled mess of words before contemplating and pondering over my own thoughts.

"Please, please, please, pleeeeeaseeeee,"

"Lydia," I chuckled.




"Take a breath, Lady Bug,"

She did as I told, taking a deep, audible inhale before staring at me in response.

I feigned pensiveness, stroking at my chin with my the pads of my fingers as Lydia nearly began to shake with anticipation.

"Oh please, oh please, oh pl -"

I gently placed my hand over her mouth, cupping the width of her face as I grinned at her antics. Suddenly, a damp, slick surface brushed against the skin of my palm, causing me to let out a disgusted grunt and wipe my skin vigorously against the fabric of my old t-shirt.

I threw a stern look down at Lydia, "Did you just lick me?"

She nodded mutely, her eyes wide and innocent and she stared back up at me.

I blinked, "Where'd you get that from?"

"Ashlynn taught it to me!" she grinned.

I shook my head, "Alright, go get ready."

With that, she let out an excited squeal before spinning on her heels and pitter pattering down the hallway.

I trekked out of my bedroom, walking towards the bathroom before stopping short in front of my younger sister's bedroom door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2013 ⏰

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