three; afterthoughts

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write a one shot based on your username;

Dear you,

I thoroughly enjoy the time we spend together.

Even if it's just for a moment's notice after running into each other during the midst of the present, or during the moments of pure silence that speak a thousand words all at once; either way, I truly cherish the time we spend together, even if we aren't together at the same place during the same time.

When I look at you, I just want you to be happy.

I love seeing you smile; that lovely, astounding, and completely breath-taking flex of two muscles showing just how radiant you can be at a given moment.

I love knowing that sometimes, I can cause that smile through my own words, my own actions, my own being; and it warms my heart knowing that I, as a mere human being, have the capability of enhancing the beautiful creature that is you.

You know how people warned us about drugs, alcohol and addiction?

They'd always tell us to be careful, and they'd repeat and repeat and repeat it; of the dangers and the consequences. They'd tell us how that when you become so addicted, whatever you possess could completely change you as a person, and it could mess with your head and alter your view on everything that was once good and beautiful.

Yet none of them warned us about love, did they?

How it too, has the power to completely destroy a person.

It has the capability of breaking a person because of another person they met by chance, or perhaps by reason. Either way, love too can trick the human mind and lead the person to places they've never been to before; places of hope, bliss and a dreamy sense of happiness.

But it's not real, is it?

None of it was real, at least for us.

Sometimes, I wonder if you like my smile too and if my happiness means anything to you.

We were happy together, weren't we?

We were always smiling.

I wonder if you remember; I wonder if you still think about it, about us.

I wonder if the people who taught us about the rights and wrongs ever thought to warn us about love and our own thoughts.

They should've warned me, warned the both of us, because we both fell into the same trap and the person we once were together split in half and ran away in two opposing directions, never to be reached again.

I wish they warned us, about love; I wish they told us to be careful, and to not believe it when everything was right in the world, to not believe that false sense of happiness.

But they didn't and now you're gone and I'm still writing these stupid thoughts of mine at two in the morning.

These are my afterthoughts; the words now cradled by paper, the things I'll never say to you.

this is so bad compared to everyone else's, omg i'm sorry guys

i literally could not think of anything to write, ugh

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