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"Liked at first sight?"

Rocky's POV.

"I love R5! Woooh!" A girl with a creepy look/get-up came out from the door near the stage with her eyes closed, the same time as the lights turned off. Even though she has make ups and what so ever, for me she looks like an angel.

Wait what?

Then after a few seconds she opened her eyes. She was shocked. Like her eyes was wide opened. She's really cute, I like her, I think I like her at first sight HAHA.

She looked around and stared at Ross. hmp. -_-

"No Ross, she is coming, Hahaha." Ratliff breaks the silence.

Then after he says that the fans start to whispers

Girl#1: Who is that girl??

Girl#2: Where did she came from?!

Girl#3: What is she doing there?!

Girl#4: She looks like a zombie! Oh my gosh, Zombie Apocalypse.. run for your life!

They keep on talking.

Then suddenly a fan speaks up..

"Hey, you b;tch what are you doin there!? You're messing up the show! We cannot enjoy the song anymore, you ruined it. You, go away!" Then she throw a small piece of paper or something to this girl. Some of the fans follow her they threw things to the poor girl.. like tissues, plastics, paper, and some things.

I looked at the girl. And I saw a tear fell down from her eyes. I feel like my heart was crushing into pieces. I'm hurt for her. Her tears feels so precious... I need to do something! I cannot let her like that.

I rushed across the stage to cover her.

I hugged her and whisper, "I'm here for you... Don't worry."

"Hey! All of you! Stop that! You don't have the right to do that!!!" I yelled at them, I feel so much anger. Who they think they are?! They don't have the right to be angry to her like this!

The lights came bright again.

I can't perform anymore. I'm no longer in the mood. I bring the girl to the dressing room.

Rydel, Ross, Riker and Ratliff continues the show.

I gave her a seat, "Just go sitdown so you'll regain your energy..." I wanna comfort her. I don't know but I care for her a lot. Maybe I like her?! I don't know I am cofused. I know I'm a playboy, I'm easy to attract but this feeling is so different...

"Here, drink water." I handed her a bottled water. She drink some, then look down and says.

"Uhm.. Rocky?" Oh she had a sweet voice.

"hmm?" I respond.

"Thank you..." and I see she kinda smile. I feel butterflies. so gay -_- but yea, I really felt it.

"You're welcome. That's nothing we have a lot of water." I said while I sit beside her.

"Hahaha. Crazy... I mean the saving thing, thanks a lot! I really don't think you'll do that... I am just nobody, and it's really my fault. But you came across and saved me from that misery, you even raised your voice in them and I know you know that they might hate you or what but you still do it. Thank you again." She looks so sincere when she say that, Awe. it makes me weak. And she has the lips of an angel. Her voice sounds really sweet. I think she's a great singer.

"I don't care if they get mad at me. Like, I do not mean I don't care with their feelings but what they do is not right." I said while staring at her and she was still looking down.

"They have point. I'm an asshole! I shouldn't have done that... I'm being childish. Sorry. I'm just desperate to watch you guys. It's like once in a lifetime that you, R5 will go to my school and I wanna be part of that. I am really sorry, you guys might lose fans because of what you did for me." She really feels bad of what happen, I can see it in her face.

"Don't call yourself that way, because you are not. They're hurting you just because you interrupted the show?! No, that's not fair." I said throwing my hands into the air in annoyance, then I bring my hands unto my lap. "And one more thing we don't need millions of rude fans if one fan is suffering... I'd rather lose mean and nonsense supporters than to lose a true and precious fan." I saw a small smile on her lips. She's so cute! "Think of it, you did all of that crazy stuffs just to watch us?! Isn't it sweet and touching? Not all band have that kind of fan. The fan that will do anything just to see her idols. It is awesome! So don't feel bad anymore." I explain then tap her head.

After few seconds, Rydel came and talk to ugh.. I don't know her name yet. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yea. Thanks to Rocky haha." she answered and laughs.

Rydel tap my shoulder, like a sign for me to stand up because she will sit down to my place. So I stand up and let Rydel sit beside her.

"Uhm. Rydel, do you need something?" I asked her

"No." Rydel answers straightly.

"How about you miss? ahm. What's your name??" I asked while scratching my head.

"Hahaha." Her laugh is so relaxing. I wanna hear it all the time. "I'm Laura." Oh so Laura is the name.

She stand up and raise her hand forward, like waiting for a hand shake.

"I know you already know it, but I'm Rocky. Nice to meet you Laura." I think I blushed, and we shake hands. I feel happiness inside me.

"Ehem." Rydel faked a cough. "What's with the cheek Rocky?"

I just glared at her while Laura gave her a what-are-you-talking-about look.

"Hahaha." She just laugh.

And then Ross, Ratliff, and Riker came in. They look at our hand. And we realize that we're still holding each other's hand, so we quickly let go of our hands. Then she look away and sit back down again.

"A-Aahh. I-I'm going to the bus and get our lunch." I said.

"I'll go with you." Ratliff said and head to the door.

"Me too." Riker raised his hands.

"Okay." I just agreed.

"How about you Ross?" Riker asked him.

"No, I'm staying here. I need to change. My shirt is full of sweat." He answered sniffing his underarms.

"Ah. ok then.." Riker put his arms on Ratliff and mine's shoulders. And we go to the bus...


I/N: Thanks for reading : )))) Pls. do vote and leave a comment ^_^ That would mean so much to me :">

iLOVEyouALL :***


Unimportant (Laura Marano x Ross Lynch // R5 Story) #WattysWhere stories live. Discover now