10 Years with Infinite

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July 17, 2020.
How have you been doing this quarantine season, Inspirits?

10 years with Infinite happened June 9, 2020. A decade ago, Infinite was born without them knowing they would be loved by us, Inspirits.

In a span of 10 years, they have inspired so many people, like me. They've been my source of happiness, inspiration and my motivation to live. I couldn't imagine a life without them in my heart. They turned me into someone I didn't expect to be. So as far as I celebrated their 10th anniversary, it brought me in tears. Reminiscing the day I became an Inspirit, into becoming a die-hard fan. It feels nostalgic every time I hear to their old songs, MVs, variety shows, musics shows and the likes. It is sad to know that only the two of them, Sungkyu and Myungsoo, both celebrated their 10th anniversary. The others are having their military and for your information, only Kim Myungsoo haven't been in military yet. The others are already done, and some are still on it.

How 'bout you, can you share to us how you celebrated 10 years with Infinite? The comment section are free. Inspirits are open to talk that about :)

Take care of your mental health, xoxo.

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Thank you, Infinite loves you.

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