Chapter 8

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"I'm going to kill you" the woman yells as she begins to charge at me with anger in her eyes I grab Jackson and doge the attack landing on my feet I put Jackson out of harms way and turn to the brunette woman using my binding attack to hold her in place "now tell me how much do you know of my magic where are you getting your information from" she spits at me "I'll never tell you you'll have to kill me first" I look at her in disgust when I go to say something I'm grabbed from behind a hand over my mouth and both my arms held tight to my side I hear Jackson scream my name I slowly process what had happened the man must have recovered from my spell I don't struggle knowing it will only make it worse as the woman gets up looking at me with hatred "Maybe we should just kill her instead of handing her over to the boss we could tell him we couldn't find her" her voice runs chills up my spine suddenly the grip around my body is torn away as the woman's expression changes form hate to fear I look back to just in time to see Elfman throwing the man face first into the floor with his beast arm the woman runs over yelling "Void!" I'm assuming that's the man's name without back up she was easy to take down with a few simple spells she was down and out after we tied the two up I handed Elfman the two so he can collect his jewels for the mission I look over to see Jackson smiling at me with relief he jumps into my arms giving me a big hug "let's go home" I say happy that things worked out Elfman leaves before us telling Jackson to be a man and protect me then we head to the train station on our way home.

-Gajeels P.O.V-

I sit alone in the guild not really in the mood to talk without [Y/N] here I'm to worried to even eat iron I sigh deeply chugging my eighth mug of booze tilting my head back closing my eyes "Fuck I miss her" I say thinking aloud "'miss who Gajeel?" I jump at the sudden voice I look up to see...

You Do Belong A Gajeel x Reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now