Islam vs Terrorism

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We have a duty, as Muslims, to fight terrorism and show the world the true Islam, which is the most peaceful, logical and beautiful religion there is

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We have a duty, as Muslims, to fight terrorism and show the world the true Islam, which is the most peaceful, logical and beautiful religion there is.

How do we fight terrorism?

Good question. Here's my answer: EDUCATION.

In my opinion, terrorists who call themselves 'muslims' have not been educated at all.

"We don't know about Qur'an, Salat, Arabic, or even basic knowledge such as reading, writing, counting, etc. Since we don't know anything, it's much easier for someone to lie to us, because we believe anything. We are manipulated to do some things and we think we're doing a good deed. But actually we're not. We have been lied to. They tell us to kill, and we ask why. They say Allah said so. We say okay. We have no way of knowing if it is the truth. So we believe them and we obey."

I'm not trying to sympathise with terrorists, but insulting them won't solve the problem. We need to find the root of the problem, and fix it.

How can Muslims, followers of the religion that encourages us to think and educate ourselves, become so ignorant?
Did we neglect the education system? Did we ban girls from going to school? Did we put more emphasis on passing exams rather than learning new things?

In the video above the title, Nouman Ali Khan gives a khutbah about the Brussels bombings.

In the picture above, Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad Salla Allahu AlayhiWa Sallam (peace be upon him) explains that people who kill one another are infidels or disbelievers (so they're not Muslim)

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In the picture above, Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad Salla Allahu Alayhi
Wa Sallam (peace be upon him) explains that people who kill one another are infidels or disbelievers (so they're not Muslim).

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Sisters in Islam, let's fight terrorism with education, peace and awareness

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Sisters in Islam, let's fight terrorism with education, peace and awareness.


Who is your favorite Muslim speaker? Mine are Nouman Ali Khan, Mufti Menk, Omar Suleiman, Kamal Saleh and Mohamed Zeyara.

Asalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh :)

Your Sister In Islam 💗

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