Pretend It's Okay...

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Hey guys!! Im writing this on my parents laptop!! It may be longer than the other parts ipod has a tiny screen and so just 4 paragraphs seem like a!! And everyone should know about LiLi saving Andy from a fire!! Andy AND LiLi are both alright!! Dont fret my pets!! Anywayyyyssss....THIS CHAPTER IS A SURPRIZE!! IT HAS A NIALLER POV!! YYYAAAYY!! GO CELEBRATE WITH A CAPSLOCK PARTAY!! IT MAY BE A LLLIIIITTTTLLLEEE SHORTER THOUGH BECAUSE....WELL I KINDA HAVE WRITERS BLOCK SO....STILL HOPE YA ENJOY!!


Nialls POV

I couldnt believe her friend did that to her!! Just kick her out!! I am furious!! I havent know her for even a day yet but I already know that she is really sweet, funny, and amazing!! Seirra didnt even give her her stuff!!

"Nnnniiiiiaaaalllllll? Helllloooo? You look angry?" I heard an angelic voice say. I turned my head to face Marie.

"Oh...sorry. I'm just...still a little mad about the whole 'Seirra' situation." I told her. She nodded. The door opened to Nurse Perrie,

"Well, Marie!! How are ya feeling?" Perrie asked her.

"Pretty good actually! The headache went away!! My foot still hurts pretty bad though..." She trailed off, looking to nowhere specific.

"Ok!! Thats good! So because you already have the stiches in your head, your foot taken care of, and those schratches disinfected....YOU CAN GO HOME TODAY!!" Perrie said to Marie with a big smile.

"Yay!!" Marie said to her. She is beautiful!

"And listen! If you ever need anybody to talk to, give me a call! Or just text me!!" Perrie grinned at he and handed he a peice of paper with what i suppose was her number.

"Sure deal!!" She said with her Kentucky accent.

"Bye Marie! Bye Niall!" She waved good-bye.

"Bye!" We yelled in unison.

"Okay! Lets do this!" I said to her. She grabbe my hand and we walked out.

If only she knew what kind of monser i am.

she would never want me.


-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3 Brooklyn



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