Opinions on Dovewing

697 22 33


From what I've read, she seems to be a filler main character. One made up to fill in a blank plot hole in the story, she was kinda bratty and sort of rude but in the long run wasn't necessary. She could have been done much better and had little, but still some, promise. I do not despise this character ,or any other for that matter but was just a disappointment. Few of the MANY things wrong with her is that she is SO cliché the name, the forbidden love, just everything about her is just 0/10.

I DESPISE this little brat. She is a terrible character and was only created because the Erins didn't plan ahead and give Hollyleaf a power. While everyone was worrying and in pain, she was off frolicking in the fields with Tigerheart. Dovewing can go die in a burning pit full of foxes and badgers. I HATE her.
Rating: 0/10

I HATEEE HERRRR. She acted like a brat to everyone, and seemed like she didn't care about anything but her and the other three. She only cared about love, and didn't care about anyone who didn't have a power. She didn't deserve Bumblestripe, and treated him like dirt.
Rating: 0/10

She is easily one of my least favorite characters. She's just a fill-in for Hollyleaf because the Erins didn't give her powers, and her whole story is so cliché. In the beginning, I thought that she was okay and could maybe turn out to be a good character, but no. She just... NO.
Rating: 0/10

The average rating of Dovewing is:

0/ 10

0-2: terrible character
3-5: bad character
5-7: good character
7-10: amazing character

-_-: Was not answered


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