Opinions on Clear Sky

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Clover: Well...I don't like him. He's honestly not on my list of most hated warriors, though. Let me elaborate: yes, he was a terrible father, brother, leader and cat. But he did try to change, and he made a difference in my mind for his contribution to the Clans. I mean, where would SkyClan be without him? He was a good father to at least Star Flower's kits, and showed actual grief when *name censored to prevent spoilers* died. I know that he disowned Thunder, but that was because of his grief for Bright Stream... I DON'T KNOW!
Rating: 5/10

I don't care for him, but some of his ideas did make the Clans how they are today. But he cast out his son, took him back, didn't care when his son left, and stole his son's crush to be his mate. He loved three different she-cats, because his first two died and yeah. But still, if it weren't for him, battle techniques and borders would never have come up in the warrior word.
Rating: 5/10

Rainy: I HAAAAAAATE HIM. He disowned his SON, moved on, had another mate, moved on, and cared for only Star Flower's kits. He took two she-cats that GRAY WING LOVED DEARLY (and guess what? One died because of it) and treated his family like fox-dung.
Rating: 0/10

Wolf: Nope. I REALLY don't like him. He wanted nothing to do with his son, had THREE MATES, and was just completely awful to his brothers. He started unnecessary feuds and was horrible to everyone, and then he became a leader?! To those of you out there that like this cat, I admire your ability to see the sliver of good in this cat, I really do, but I absolutely despise him
Rating: 0/10

Sweet: Well... yes, I hate him. Very much. But I also felt a little bad when Bright Stream and Storm died. But he did take Storm away from Gray Wing. He was an awful brother and father. He sent Thunder away... he rejected his own son. But I can't believe he was the one to get to lead the group instead of some cat else who is a GOOD leader. I mean, seriously. He keep Jackdaw's Cry as prisoner and said he would feed him but he lied! And before the battle starts, Jackdaw's Cry was hungry, so he caught a bat, and Clear Sky claims it to be HIS prey! It's FOURTREES, it's anyone's prey. And then Clear Sky started a battle just because Jackdaw's Cry was hungry! He's awful. I despise him VERY much.
Rating: 0/10

Overall Rating: 2/10

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