Chapter 1

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(Y/F/N) = Your Full Name

3rd person P.O.V

Summer break was over and people came back to YouTube Academy. YouTube Academy was the most famous Academy for young video makers. There are really hard conditions one need to full fill to get one of the rare places there. (Y/N) is one of the few people who get the wild card for attending YA. If she success in the final exam she gets a full place at the Academy. It was 8:00 am when everyone sat down in the lecture hall. In front of the audience stood a man, who seemed to be the Academy leader. "Good morning students. Welcome back at YouTube Academy. I hope you all had a great summer and fun. Because fun is over now", he said, looking at the audience. In the first row sat Markiplier and Jacksepticeye, who were talking about the latest games they played. Some rows behind them sat Tyler Oakley, Dan Howell and Phil Lester. Dan and Phil apparently were the OTP of the whole Academy. Nobody said it out loud, but everyone, especially the Editing tips teacher, shipped them. After holding a endless speech about responsibility and stuff the Academy leader started handing out the Time tables. "Remember, you can change some of your classes until the end of the week. The theatre finally opened, so Drama class will be an official club this year. You can use it in your breaks, but remember, if you misbehave in there it'll be closed ASAP!", he yelled. After handing out the last time tables the bell rang.

Your P.O.V

After finally getting your time table you look at it. Your time table looks awesome. "Seems like the emocalypse is starting", one girl snaps, standing right in front of you. "Have a problem?", you hiss and walk pass her. "Hey you! You're the new one, right?", the blonde girl asks you. You sigh and turn around. "Yeah. Who wants to know?", you ask annoy. "Don't talk to her like that, douchebag!", a girl with pink hair said. "This is the queen of the campus! And you have to respect her!", she hisses. "Oh right, like I totally have to", you say, leaving with sass hands waving at the beauty ladies. "Don't worry Zoe. She'll follow you too", the girl with pink hair says. "She will", Zoe says and leaves the room. You walk to your locker and get out your bag. You adjust your glasses and then walk to your first class of today. Entering the room you look around and find a spare table at the end of the room. While walking there you walk pass a boy with light green hair and black glasses. He sits next to a boy with red hair. "Hey Mark, do you know her?", the boy whispers, pointing at you. Mark, the boy with the red dyed hair, shakes his head. When you reach the back of the room you sit down at the table and take out your scrapbook. Then you face the board, where your teacher comes in with two boys carrying books. "Good morning students. Welcome back to a new exciting year of Game History. I am your teacher for this year. We have some new peers hanging around in our class, but I guess you will catch up soon. Last year we stopped at Arcade games. But, unfortunately, we can't go on there", your teacher says. The class sighs. The boys who come in with the books start to hand them out to all of you. "We have to skip this brilliant chapter of time now and go on to computer games. For this, you will work in groups this year. This quarter you will each get a genre of games. You have to present games, their background story etc. And, to make this really annoying to you, each of you has to write a ten page essay about your project and hand it in until the end of the quarter. It'll be marked, so work good on this. You will work in group of three to five people. You can choose your group later that week". The class sighs and cheers. "Here's your book", the boy says, placing it on your table. "Thank you", you smile. It's a huge book, reading "History of games, year 2" on it's cover. The rest of the lesson you all spend on assemble ideas and genres on the board. When the bell rings for the break the students rush out of class. "(Y/N), do you have a minute?", your teacher asks. You grab your bag and book and walk to your teacher's desk. "Yes?", you ask. "So, you're the new one here. I don't know you and your knowledge, so please hand in an essay about your game history knowledge until Friday please. It doesn't have to be that long, five pages will be long enough", she says smiling. You nod and leave the room sighing.

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