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Your P.O.V

"So this is it? He loves me, but..", you say. A person emerges on stage. Everything was like it was planned. The person walks behind you, leans towards your body and gets out the toy knife. "Sweet sweet revenge", Zoe whisper into your ear, then she stabs you several times. You feel blood running out of the wound. You can't help but scream. Everyone thought this was part of the show and started applauding. You fall in the ground, breathing your last breath. Then darkness surrounds you.

When you open your eyes you find yourself in a white ICU room. You are attached to several machines you never saw before. "(Y/N)?", you hear a voice, no THE voice say. You slowly move your head and look into your father's watery eyes. "Dad?", you silently say. "Doctors! She woke up", you hear him yell. Someone takes your other hand. "After all this time", your father sobs. "Where am I? What happened?", you weakly asked. "Sssh, we talk later", your Mum explained sobbing. Doctors surround your bed. "It's a miracle. We were about to shut the machines down today, but there she is", your Dad said. "Mrs (Y/L/N), how are you feeling?", one doctor asked. "Fine, I guess, Where-", you look down to your stomach, not seeing any wounds. "How... I got stabbed", you mumble. "Mrs (Y/L/N), you were in coma for almost three months now, you shouldn't move that fast", the doctor said. "Three months? But my stomach, where's the wound?", you stutter. The people around you stare at you confused. "Wound? Which wound at your stomach?", your mother asked. "Darling, your stomach is perfect, just your head...", the doctor said. "What's with it?", you ask. Your father hands a mirror over to you. Your right half of the face is completely destroyed and wrapped in bandages. "Your eye was ruined at the accident. The rest of your head was almost ripped apart, but we could save it, well, as good as we could", the doctor explained. "It won't heal, right", you cry. Your parents wrap you in a hug. "Oh my god (Y/N)!!", you hear your sibling yell who rush into the room, push your parents away and hug you as tight as they could. "We thought we lost you", they said. Your brother looks at you. "I talked to you while you were gone... I prayed to god to bring you back...", he cried. "It wasn't him who brought me back... I thought I died", you say. "What?", he asked. You waited until the doctors were gone, than you started telling them your dream, the story you lived the last few months. "And then she stabbed me. It was so funny, because everyone thought it was part of the show... It all ended in darkness... The end..?", you said. Tears ran down your face and your family was crying to. "This sounds like a fucked up fan fiction where the author didn't want a happy ending", your sister laughed. "Yeah, I know. I'm thinking of making a fan fiction out of it. This is so good potential", you laugh too. "But why this youtubers?", your mother asked. "They're are like a life support for me and maybe this is why I dreamed myself in a world with them", you say. "And this Lyn girl?", your father asked. "I've never met a Lyn before", you shrug your shoulders. "The best part was that we actually featured in this story", your brother said. "Yeah, but it firstly started the night I was 'drunk'", you say. "It matches the day you had the attack", your father said. You look at him confused. "Well, lately you had attacks where you were shaking and your heart went wild. You had them a few times", he explained. "Wait... This could actually met the few times I almost passed out in this dream...", you say. "Well, never mind", your sister sits down next to you. "You missed so many good videos. And Dan, Phil, Sean and Mark will go this awesome YouTube Con and there is a chance to meet them", she smiled. You smile too, but then sigh. "I never can leave the house again. Not with this", you say pointing at your face. "We already thought about this... Well, we made our mind up about it if well, if you ever wake up how to deal with this", your mother said. "Yeah, and we thought, well actually it was your sister*s idea", your father said. She smiled. "Yeah, I know you love this stuff, so I thought why not cover it with a veil? Yeah, veils are stupid and stuff BUT they are colorful and we both could go the YT Con", she said, showing you a veil and two ticket. "Wait, you already bought them?!", you asked confused. "I never gave up hope you'll wake up. I bought the platinum tickets so we can go to EACH Youtuber we want without long waiting!", she smiled. "Lizzie, do you even know how expensive they are?!", you asked worried. "Just spend my savings from the last three years on them, but screw college!", she laughed. You wrap her in a hug. "You're the best sister one can have", you cry.

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