Chapter 3

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Your P.O.V

"And again, but this time focus", Mr. Hiddleston yells at you and the others. You were rehearsing the same scene again. "Sherlock, any suggestions yet?", Sean asked. "No Gideon. Stop asking", Phil answered. "Sherlock, his name is Greg", you laugh. "I said so, didn't I?", Phil said not looking away from the files. Sean and you walk away from Phil. "He has no clue yet, this is suspicious", Sean said. "Just give him time, Lestrade, he-", you say, when suddenly the door opened. Mark entered the room. "Mr Fishbach, why are you interrupting our rehearse?", Tom asked. "I'm sorry, but I heard I could join? Please, I need to get out of my literature class. The evil queen is ruining EVERYTHING!", he yelled. Tom laughed. "Alright. This is good, we needed someone anyway", he said. You all keep on rehearsing. This time Tom was satisfied with your playing. "Right, and remember. The end of Act one has to be realistic", he said. "Don't worry Sir, I won't let you down", you say. When the bell rings you go back to your seat and grab your bag. Suddenly someone hugs you from behind. "Lyn, you scared me", you laugh. "I'm sorry, couldn't resist", she said, turns you around and kisses you. "So they're canon", Sean said laughing. Dan and Phil stare at both of you. "Boys, your eyes are about to fall out of your head", Mr Hiddleston said before he left the room. "You close the door when you all leave, okay?", he said. There was no class in the afternoon, so you all decided to think about the competition. You all ordered food and then sit in a circle on stage. "Well, I'm going to play piano", Dan said. "Yeah, because you're crazy awesome at the piano", Phil said. "I don't have any talents besides hurting myself, so eh, I don't know", Phil laughed. "Talent is a talent", you all laugh. "So, what will you two do?", Lyn asks Sean and Mark. "Dunno. I don't have any talents, sooo....", Mark said. "You have many talents, man. You're handsome, you're laugh is amazing, you can really touch people and... And I'm saying out of this loud, dammit", Sean laughs. Mark hugs him. "Aww, this is your talent, being embarrassing", he smiled. "(Y/N), what will you do?", they changed the subject. "I guess I'll sing...", you say, regretting this immediately. "Now you have to sing for us!", Lyn begs. You jump on your feed and sigh. "I'll give you a hint what to sing", Lyn said, ran over to the piano and starts playing Save Rock and Roll by Fall Out Boy. You start singing and after the chorus Lyn started singing Elton John's part. In the end all six of you were singing songs. "We should start a choir because man, we're awesome!", Sean said. "No no no, I'm not singing on stage", Phil said. "I think I'll do something else. But well, you all should sing!", he encouraged us. Mark and Sean decided to sing together. "What about Different as can be from a very potter musical? You love this one!", Mark said. Sean smiled. "Alright.. But I'll be Voldemort, you have to be Quirrel!!", he yelled. Mark sighed but agreed. Phil decided to work with others of your block and Lyn decided to help you. "I'll be your support and stuff. It'll count anyway", she said. "You will hack yourself out of responsibility, right?", you laugh. "I would never do this, I'm offended", she joked. "Remember last gym lesson? Haven't seen you there", you say. "Ssshhh, this was something else", she blushed. "Yeah, not!", you say.

Two weeks later. For the final show of the talent competition there were rounds to qualify yourself. Somehow you managed to get into the final. Dan and Zoe also reached the final. "We have to make this amazing!", Lyn said. She brought the whole emo squad with her. "Back up and stuff", she explained. "Well, I heard Zoe will do a dance scene in Phantom of the opera style", one girl said. "How cheesy", a boy answered. "Okay, so we stick with our plan and do Sidekick?", you ask. Everyone exchanged glances and then nodded. Since the finalists were announced Lyn taught you a choreography which didn't really fit to the song. "Remember, when you sing 'is what I feel in my heart' you have to stop here! Not there or there, here!", she said. "Lyn, I love your choreography, but this just doesn't fit", you complain. "Less complain, more learning", she said. After an hour of rehearsing you're done. "I'm taking a shower and then do homework, see you later", you say, kiss her and leave.

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