Something in the Air

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I do not own Ninjago Masters of Spinjitzu or any of its characters however I do own this story. Please inform me if you see this story on any other websites.

You grasp the oak wood door knob and just as you are about to open the door something makes you turn your head and look back into the darkness. A slight chill runs down yours spin and you pull your hood closer to your head before entering the large building signposted Dragons Breath Inn. You quickly feel a bit more at ease as you take in the familiar sight. Men in groups laughing loudly with beer in hand, others playing snooker but all having a great time minus a small group of men and a few woman talking in a dark corner. "Bounty hunters are at it again I see." you say to the bar tender as you take a seat opposite him.
"I'm surprised you aren't over there with them or out catching someone for a bounty. It's a new moon, best time to go catching, lots of shadows." responded the bar tender.
"Don't I know it Falon but something in the air doesn't feel right. Anyways, is it safe? Nobody shady around?" you ask quietly.
Falon glances around as if to double check. "Nope, no one out of the usual."
You pull back your black hood to reveal your long, wavy teal hair and amethyst eyes. Most of the heads turned to look at you and the men chuckle as they realize who you are while a few brave ones whistle. You chuckle back knowing that it is all just friendly banter before turning back to Falon.
"Anyway you are the second person to tell me that. Damian said the same thing to me before. I have to agree that something is a bit off." said Falon before turning round to prepare two drinks.

You turn and smile at Damian who is sitting with the other bounty hunters and he smiles back. "Well it's probably just me." you say as you look over the bounty hunters. None of them seemed familiar apart from Damian and another man. You recognized him but you just couldn't quite put a finger on it. He noticed that you were staring at him and he stared back. Falon goes over to give another person a drink before sliding your drink down to you. You put you hand on it to stop it sliding before taking a drink. You then look to one of your friends who is sitting with all of the bounty hunters and whistle.

The girl's head turned to look at you before she stands up and walks over to you. "The guy sitting next to you wouldn't happen to be Ronin would it." you whisper to her.

"Well I didn't want to tell you because I don't want there to be another fight again but yeh, it's Ronin alright." she whispered in response.
"I have a score to settle with him. Nobody claims my bounty and gets away with it." you snarl under your breath as you look over to him again.
"At least take it outside this time. I don't want you wrecking my place again." Falon chipped in.
"Yeh well I payed for it didn't I? Besides with the bounty I'm getting back there will be more then enough to pay for any damages I might cause but sure. I'll take is outside." you respond.
"But what if Ronin has already spent the bounty?" asked the girl.
"Well Shila I doubt he has but if he has I will just take is possessions as payment." you growl.
"Wait? Isn't that just stealing?" questioned Falon.
"No, I'm just getting my bounty back in the form of sell able goods or useful weapons." you respond as you get a small throwing dagger from your belt. "You might want to stand back." You aim the dagger before throwing it at Ronin. The dagger strikes the wood a few centimeters away from Ronin's head and he instantly turns to look at you with a mixture of shock and annoyance on his face. "Hey Ronin, I've got a score to settle with you." you call to him as you stand up.
"Please take it outside." Falon whispers to you.
"I will. Just getting his attention." you mutter back keeping your eyes fixed on Ronin.
"Well I guess it was foolish to think you would just leave me alone Blacklightning. Wish you wouldn't have interrupted us though." responded Ronin.
"After what you pulled I'm going to do a bit more then interrupt you and I'll make sure you don't just walk away." you say as you ball your fists in anger.
"Hey hon it doesn't have to be this way." he calls back but he takes a few steps forward.
You roll your eyes as you get out another dagger.
"Fine then, I guess we will have to fight then." he says before running at you. You don't dodge as you let him tackle you to the ground. You hit you back hard on the ground but you ignore the pain. Ronin had fallen for your trick and you were now holding him out of arms reach with you feet on his chest. You quickly extend your legs sending him straight into the wall. Ronin then fell to the ground. You stand up and look around to see everyone staring at you two cheering. The room was divided, half cheering for you and half cheering for Ronin, everyone knew you were rivals and equally skilled fighters. You grab Ronin who was still trying to recover and chucked him out of the door. Ronin gets to his feet as you walk out of the door.  "You ready to quite?" you snarl.

"Yeh right." he says in response as he wipes a bit of blood from the corner of his mouth. He looks at you as you walk towards him with your fist raised by your head ready to punch him. Just as you punch he grabs your wrist deflecting the punch before going round to your back and holding your arm there. Pain runs up your arm and you grit your teeth as he pushes you to your knees. "Ready to give up lass?" he asks.

"You know the answer to that." you snarl back.
"Well then don't expect me to go easy on you." he chuckles.
You fling yourself forward knocking him off his feet and right over your head. Ronin loses hold of your arm and lands on his back once again. Just as you are about to put your foot on his chest he sweeps his foot under you knocking you over onto your back as well. Ronin quickly get up and pins you to the ground and grasps your neck. You use one of your arms to block his punches while using the other to choke Ronin as well. You both stay there holding each others throat waiting to see who would give in first. Suddenly a chill went down both your spines and you let go of each others throat and stop fighting. Your horse Midnight was whinnying loudly and rearing crazily in her holding block. You look into the darkness beyond. Something felt wrong, very wrong. It was like someone was watching you. Ronin stood up and offered you  hand, you grasped his hand firmly and pulled yourself to your feet.
"Now I know what Damian meant. Something just ain't right about this." Ronin muttered.
"I said the same thing to Falon." you respond. Everyone that had been watching was silent all staring into the darkness. Lightning lit up the sky illuminating multiple black figures all with dark purple eyes. One of them walked forward into the light and smiled at you. "Finally we have found the girl. After all this time we found Luna." he chuckled before turning back to look at one of the others. "Report it to our master immediately!" he roared. The figure quivered in fear and nodded before he completely vanished. "I can't wait to see our masters face when we bring you back." chuckled the creature. The rest of them all laughed and roared as well. "The rest of you pillage this village! I don't want a single soul left alive! I'll deal with Luna." he said with a wicked smile.

I hope you guys enjoyed the first part of my Ninjago fan-fiction. If you enjoyed it please vote, it would mean a lot. Also comment on what you thought about this part and what you think might happen next. The next chapter will be posted when I get 5 votes.

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