Shrouded Hope

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You place the outfit down on the bed before looking to the book. Many times you had looked at the cover of the book but only a few times had you actually seen what lay within and even then it was only short glances. You picked up the book, your hands run down the spine as you do so. Although the book was old beyond many generations before you the book seemed to be in remarkable condition. Though the book was not untouched by age it was still in tacked though the pages were darkened with age and the ware could be seen on it's leather bindings. The cover had to be the most stand out point of the book's outside like any good book. There was an illustration of a beautiful woman with flowing blonde hair that was so long it was in danger of touching the floor. She wore a magnificent white dress that dragged along the floor which should have been totally out of place in the midst of a forest but somehow it seemed to work. You had always loved the fact that there was a white wolf trailing behind her. The book was void of title, blurb or author and you felt disconcerted at the thought of showing a human the book or even reading it yourself. No human would have ever set eyes on this book but you knew you had to show the ninja it. Just as you are about to open the book you look to the door as Nya knocks on it.

"We're ready."

You nod before realizing that she can not see your face making you feel slightly foolish. "Yes, I'll be there in a sec." You open the first page of the book. "Arashi and Adahay. The Shade Lumina Divide." you say to yourself. You couldn't help but feel like something was watching you and swiftly close the book before exiting the room. What if what Iverson said was true? What if the shades are really watching everything? You push the thoughts to the back of your mind and suddenly remember what is going on. Telling humans about this was going against your teachings and your tribes rule but you knew you had to. If it was for the greater good, only time would tell but you dearly hoped it would be.

As you enter the control room all six of the ninja and Ronin turn to look at you and suddenly you feel very uncomfortable. The large book feels awkward in your hands and it feels like everyone is judging you. You walk over to the table and sit down in the empty chair between Ronin and Zane. Ronin looks rather skeptical and so do the ninja for that matter so you place the book on the table to let everyone get a better view of the book.

"We don't have to read all of this do we?" asked Jay in disbelief.

"No, it's just for reference although there are some parts of it that you should read." you respond in a slight irked voice. Why couldn't anyone appreciate what you were showing them?

"Zane, what is this book?" asked Cole

"I don't know.....It's not on any of my databases."

"But Zane, you meant to know everything. Your a nindroid." replied Jay nervously.

"Guys! Can we stop getting side tract? If you want to know why don't you ask the owner?" butted in Lloyd.

You nodded in thanks to Lloyd before taking the book from Zane. "The book isn't in your database because it's never been seen by a human before."

"How does that work? We're all humans." questioned Lloyd.

For some reason you found his comment humorous and had to stop yourself from chuckling. "You see, I'm not human. Though you might say that we are humans my people are a race that humans evolved from though I would probably say devolved from honestly. I might look the same but deep inside I have a flame, just like your six but the thing is that all of my people had it and it allowed all of them to control the natural base five elements of fire, water, lightning, earth and ice although which one they had was up to the flame." All of your earlier nervousness seemed to have evaporated and now you felt satisfaction at spreading the legends of your people.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2016 ⏰

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