Awkward Encounter

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Just saying that I have changed Luna's hair to teal as I feel it would suite her better. I have edited the first page to her hair being teal but just for anybody who has already read the first two chapters.

You look over your shoulder at Ronin. "Midnight can't keep this up for very long. I can already tell she is tiring."

"I've already contacted the ninja. Their on the way." He show you the circular device on his right arm that is flashing red.
You catch sight of something in the corner of you eye which makes you turn back round. No sooner had you turned around when you felt something collide with you knocking you off Midnight. You hit the ground with a thud. Iverson it above you with his dagger ready to strike but as he does so you block the attack with your shoe. The dagger slides through the sole like a knife through butter but there isn't enough momentum and luckily the dagger doesn't pierce your foot. You yank the dagger out of your shoe but Iverson quickly grabs your wrists. You struggle in his grip and manage to free your hand that held the dagger cutting Iverson's face in the process. A slight trail of blood started to work its way down Iverson's face but the blood was not red but black which truly confirmed that he was a shade.

"You bitch!" retaliated Iverson. His claw like nails rake you skin.

(Ronin's PoV)

I didn't realize what had happened to Luna until I spot the largest of the shades that seemed to make himself out as the leader. Luna's horse was going crazy, she was rearing and bucking. It took all my strength to stay on. I wanted to help Luna but I knew if I jumped off I would most likely get trampled by the crazed horse. Just as I was staring to gain some form of control a shade appeared right in front of her. The horse reared so high I couldn't possibly stay on and for a split second I thought it was going to fall backwards and with a horse that big it would most definitely have crushed me. As soon as the horses feet hits the ground it bolts off. Great. Luckily the shade runs off to peruse the horse. I get to my feet and look round to see Luna pinned by the lead shade. I run over to her but my path is quickly blocked by three shades. Great, now I have to fight these guys as well.

"Well well, I see we have a friend of the girls." snickered the first shade.

"Then we better get him as well. Plus we can't let him interfere with out plans." said the second.

The first two shades drew their blades and another got a crossbow off their back. I two drew my blades before engaging the three shades.

(Your PoV)

You roll to the side to avoid Iverson as he brings his fist down. You can see the anger rising inside of him and you swallow hard as you see a gathering of purple above his right hand. You knew all shades possessed some form of dark magic although some more then others, especially powerful shades like Iverson. He shoots a bolt of dark magic at you and you barely dodge it in time. The bolt strikes a nearby tree making part of the trunk go dark purple. That was too close.  You turn back to look at Iverson.

"When did you become so weak that you had to rely on dark magic to take down your enemies?" you knew taunting an already aggravated enemy was a bad idea but there was nothing you could really do but stall until the ninja arrived.

"That's rich coming from you." snarled Iverson in response.

Unbeknownst to you a shade had crept up behind you. It wrapped it's arm around you neck. After a few failed attempts at braking its grip you stand on its foot as hard as you can. The shade hisses in pain and lets go of your neck before stumbling back a few steps.  You splutter and breath in deeply, barely dodging Iverson's fist however you fail to  see the second one and it strikes you stomach. Pain shoots through your body and you fall to you knees. Fighting the urge to throw up you look up to see Iverson looking very smug above you but his gaze quickly changes to something behind you.

Light in the Dark (Ninjago fan-fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें