~Chapter Three~

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~Chapter Three~

"Who's that?" I asked Hermione in a hushed voice.

We were sat in the great hall watching different students place their names into The Goblet of Fire. One of these students was dressed in Hufflepuff robes and he was being cheered on loudly by his everyone.

With brown hair and grey eyes I could see how he had girls falling all over him, he was gorgeous.

"Cedric Diggory, 6th year Hufflepuff."  She giggled wiggling her eyebrows.

I laughed and pushed her. "Don't even go there Mione."

The twins that I met on my first day came rushing in, each carrying a vile of something, probably a potion.

"It's not going to work." Hermione sang rolling her eyes.

"Oh and why is that granger?" Fred or George said I really couldn't tell which one was talking.

"You see this." Hermione gestured to the glowing ring surrounding the goblet of fire.

They nodded. "This is an age line, Dumbledore drew it himself."

"So?" they sighed.

"So..." She said closing her book. "A genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dim witted as an aging potion."

"Ah, but that's why it's so brilliant!" I really need to learn how to tell the difference between these twins.

"Because it's so pathetically dim witted." I'm going for George, probably wrong but I don't care.

They drank their potion and jumped onto the other side of the glowing ring. I couldn't help but laugh at how they got everyone in the great hall cheering on their feet so easily.

They dropped their names into The Goblet of Fire and we all waited in anticipation. The twins got hit and blasted away from the goblet.

I stood up and grabbed my wand ready to step in but when people started laughing I relaxed and placed it back inside my robe.

I admit I joined in with the laughing part after a few minutes as well as Hermione.

"You said!"

"No you said..."

I stopped listening to them and I turned my attention to the person who just entered the hall. With his dramatic entrance and the way his lips never curved into a smile you could tell how much he would fight in this tournament if he were to be chosen as the champion for Drumstrang.

Viktor Krum wanted this more than I've ever seen him want anything before. But what was interesting was the way his eyes found Hermione's as he left. Maybe I might be better at this whole matchmaker thing then I thought.

I was on my way to defence against the dark arts with Seam and I was practically jumping down the corridors. Defence against the dark arts was and will always be my most favourite subject. It is the only one I'm any good at. It kind of helps having the headmaster of a school that studies dark arts as your father.

I took my seat next to Seam who wouldn't stop chewing gum. Chomp, chomp. That is all I heard on the way to class and up until the Professor entered the classroom and I didn't expect it to be him.

"Alastor Moody. Ex aura, ministry malcontent and your new defence against the dark arts teacher. I am here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story, goodbye, the end! Any questions?" he said briefly looking round the classroom, his eyes stopping once on Harry Potter and once on me.

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