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"By that, do you mean the one I'm most interested in?"


"Well, they're all beautiful. I'd love to get to know them better."

"We didn't know our Z.P is a womanizer!"

Song feels her heart ache. She grips on each edge of the laptop, preventing to throw it. Her eyes and face are showing nothing but sadness. She's not even jealous, she's more upset.

"Ah, no! You got it wrong. What I mean by getting to know is being friends with them. I don't plan on being in a love relationship for now since I have to focus solely on my career."

Even with that clarification, she's still upset.

"Ahh~ well, since we're in this topic now. Why don't we talk about your love life?"

Please, no.

"Fine with me. I'm sure the fans would love to know about it as well."


"Before you started modeling, have you ever gone out with someone?"

"Yes, of course."

Song covers her face using her hands as she tries to calm down. This shouldn't affect her too much, but it is. And it's tough.

"For how long?"

"Well, that's complicated. I asked her out two times but we broke up afterwards because of certain problems."


"That's some tough love there. What is this person like?"

He glances down and smiles slightly, causing everyone to make a small noise in. Song peeks through the gaps of her fingers to watch.

"She was a stubborn girl, that's for sure. She's an idiot sometimes and she sucks in math, so I had to tutor her every time since our first year in college. She brings nothing but trouble, but somehow... I still fell in love with her."


"I was very much in love with her that I didn't notice I was falling too hard. Too hard for her to even catch. Our first break up was when I left to go on a trip with my dad. It hasn't even been a year yet, but we separated already. I thought for sure that everything would be fine, but I was more than wrong."

Jimin, stop.

"When I came back..."

He coughs a little, small tears forming in his eyes.

".. I found out that she got into an accident and lost all her memories. More specifically me and everything we've been through. I was devastated, but what could I do? I left her with someone I used to know so he could take care of her."

I told you to stop.

"And so that went on until our fourth year in college. I decided I had enough and approached her boldly. I pretended to have an ex and asked her for a favor so I could make that 'ex' jealous. God, I was so desperate for her to be in my arms again."

You're crying.

"I enjoyed and treasured every moment with her during that play, but she soon gave up and asked for what I was really up to. So I told her everything inside out. I can still remember how she burst out crying when she finally found out the truth. She hugged me so tightly and for once, I felt love again."

You're making the audience cry.

"But of course that moment didn't last long. She said she wanted to get herself together and take a rest since she's been so stressed. I was such a bad person that I didn't even notice she was feeling tired. I guess I deserve being treated like crap."

You're making me cry.

"I didn't give up though. I always stood by her side ever since. Comforting her and stuff. I really wanted her memories to come back, so I prayed and did a lot. Although not much have happened, I know we did wonderful stuff and that led to me asking her to be my real girlfriend this time. I was the happiest guy in the entire galaxy when she accepted me."

He uses his handkerchief to dry his tears, since his eyes are blood-shot red now. She's glad he finally cut crying since it was too painful to see.

"We went out and did good stuff. I thought by doing all those, she would remember at least small details about our past, but she gave no sign and I was feeling hopeless. I cheered myself up everyday, telling that she will remember. However, that gave no avail. Her amnesia was too serious."

It was. But I'm recovering now, if only you knew.

"And so I did the most horrible thing a man would do to her girlfriend. I broke up with her. I didn't know how I did that, but I just did. I acted recklessly. She detested, despised, and hated me so much. I knew she would, though. But the real reason why I did such an action, was for an attempt to let her remember the past. What she went through while I was gone. I figured if I did that, she would remember, but to no avail, she did not. I failed miserably. I did such an awful thing and I'm saying this live on T.V. I just...."

"You don't have to continue anymore, Z.P. We're already okay with everything you have said."

"N-No. I insist. I'll continue."

The M.C told you to stop, why are you so hard-headed? And you called me stubborn. Such hypocrisy.

"The distance between us became wider and she was getting out of reach. I was losing her. She soon broke it to me that she was leaving Korea to go off somewhere so she could treat her amnesia so when she comes back, everything will be great. That's also the time when I told her I didn't care anymore if she doesn't remember anything, because I could love her again. But she wanted to be cured so badly, and so I let her."

I still remember how long you made me wait for you at the airport, asshole. The plane almost left me.

"And... that's pretty much it. That ends everything."

"Ah, but... you haven't told us what happened afterwards. Do you mind telling?

"She's... I don't know where she is now or how she's doing. I last saw her a year ago. We lost contact for some reason, so... yeah."

"Is there a specific explanation on how that happened?"

"I don't know either, hyung. Or I just don't prefer to say it out-loud."

Confusion and slight anger replaces Song's aloof emotions. What the hell do you mean by that, Park Jimin?

"Well, we'll respect your privacy. That was some heart-clenching story, Z.P! Whatever happens, I hope you're happy always because you're such an amazing person."

"Thank you, hyung."

Song stops the video completely and shuts her laptop down. She quickly grabs her phone to text Jungkook:

Hey, I didn't finish the video. I stopped watching after the interview about... his love life.

She doesn't expect the lad to answer, since he's probably asleep now. But she gets surprised when she receives a message.

I watched it too and I stopped at the same part.

Song sighs.

Yeah. Good night again, Kookie. I'll take a nap myself.

Sleep well. Don't let it get to you.

She smiles at the message.

Thanks. I won't.


i basically reminded y'all with what has happened in the past. thank you for 1k, also! and happy mothers' day. (: ♡

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