02 || Try Me

444 26 15

"Hello?" I tut answering the phone without looking at the screen. I was happy, nothing could kill my vibe especially now that college was definitely in my future.

"Hey it's Harry." A deep voice blares through the car and I bite my lip trying to figure out how the voice sounded familiar. Pulling into the McDonald's drive through, I think.

"Harry who?" I ask, trying to think of what I wanted before the three cars in front of me where done being waited on.

"Yeah you never got my name." He chuckles and I nod even though he couldn't see me. "From the night where you came and got your friend, I sort of saved you guys." He explains and I gasp.

"Holy hell! McDonald's has the two for five thing still." I dance excitedly before going back to my conversation. That night had been over a month ago and today was my seventeenth birthday. "Oh yeah, yeah I remember now. What's up?" I ask pulling up, these cars were taking forever.

"You know how you told me you would do anything I asked?" He starts and I feel like slamming my head against the steering wheel.

"I sure do." I smile and he sighs.

"I need you to do me a favor, come to dinner with me- I, I need you just for a night." He states and I sigh.

"Look I'm not having sex w-" I start but he laughs.

"No for a dinner, I would never ask you to just have sex with me. I'm not sure I even remember your face that well." He explains and I sigh in relief. Ladies we have found a gentleman.

"Hold that thought." I tell him before rolling down my window. "Hi can I please have two Big Macs, two large fries, a coke and- wait holy shiiiett a strawberry shake, and three cookies." I tell them.

"Big appetite." The man jokes and I remember I still have him on the phone.

"My sister and I." I lie.

"That'll be sixteen thirty-seven." The lady on the other side tells me and I nod before pulling up to the next window.

"Now what were you saying?" I ask, handing the lady at the window before getting my food and change and pulling off.

"I need you to attend a dinner with me, it'll last about two hours, I'll pay for everything and you don't even need to dress fancy." He says and I nod into my burger.

"When?" I ask, pulling to the side of the road so I can enjoy my burger and not get a ticket.

"That's the thing, I need you tonight." He says and I shrug.

"Free dinner on my birthday sounds pretty amazing fam." I say. "You know I'm not as old as Jessica right? She's three years older. I'm only seventeen." Barely.

"Oh. Well for my parents you could be older?" He questions and I shrug again, sipping on my milkshake.

I promised this man I would do whatever he wanted and I intend on keeping that promise no matter how much I didn't like his tedious request. It wasn't so much as I hate it- I just think it's weird.

"Oh so this is like "I promise I'm doing well and I got my whole life together with a respectively nice girlfriend." sorta thing going on here?" I ask, probably pinpointing this last thirteen minutes of the point of this conversation.

"Pretty much, I'm not really into the whole dating scene. I didn't know it was your birthday, happy birthday..."

"My name is Arianna Johnson. People call me Nani or Ah-Nah " (my sisters name aye)

"Oh okay, well I'm Harry Styles." He introduces himself properly.

I watch the cars pass by and wipe melted cheese from my chin. I feel like I had more friends than this, I'm not sure why I'm alone on my birthday.

"What time should I be ready, and what should I wear?" I ask.

"Well I'll pick you up at seven, and I'm wearing black jeans and a white shirt." He says and I nod. I'll be sure to coordinate with him.

"Alright." I sigh.

His breathing lingers on the phone for a few seconds before he finally says something. "I feel bad."


"Well it's your birthday and I'm making you drop all your plans." He explains and I bite my lip in order not to cry.

"Oh no my family is out of town." With Jessica at a rehabilitation center, instead of with their actual daughter on her seventeenth birthday- but that's okay because Jessica needs help and love. Not Arianna.

I hate the fact that society made it seem like the more problems someone may have, the more important they were than others. I needed attention as well. There were so many memories I could dig up that were ruined by Jessica's presence, and we weren't even blood.

I got my period for the first time at the mall with a guy, and I had to wait outside for three hours straight because after I called Jessica she forgot the moment we hung up- and eventually turned her phone off in order to not be interrupted.

Two girls that knew Jessica jumped me in the school parking lot, and where was Jessica? With one of their boyfriends, or both- you can't predict her.

I had an allergic reaction to a water chestnut and ended up being rushed to the hospital but I was alone for a whole two hours because nobody could find Jessica and they were afraid she could be doing something to hurt herself.

I get it. Jessica's life isn't the easiest, never was. But just because her life was terrible and I was willing to sacrifice mine in order to make sure she lived to see another day every time she had one of her mental breakdowns- doesn't mean she had to compromise mine and take me up on that offer.

"Oh, okay well text me your address and I'll pick you up later." He says before hanging up. I start up the car deciding to roam around the city with the money my parents left me before I go home, shower and get ready.

I save his name in my contacts before receiving a text.

Harry: So all that food was for you? Big appetite huh? Jkjk 😂😈

(now I'm back to updating my other stories 😂 okay bye you guys.)

Addicted To Black || h.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora