21 || Grow Up

162 19 7

This part got deleted i swear fo God. Anyways I tried my best but it's short and not as detailed. Legit so short, I'm pissed.

"So this is my room, uh a lot of things I know." I blush and run into the wall as I catch sight of Harry.

"Darling how are you?" Harry growls and steps up as Niall tries to help me up. "Don't touch her."

I grab hold of Harry's hand as he pulls me up. He makes a point to harshly dust off my ass and I step away from him in, eyeing a confused and slightly pissed off Niall. 

I grab one of the bags and look into it, handing it hurriedly to Niall. I'm not exactly scared of him seeing how Harry and I react in our relationship, but sometimes it gets out of hand and could definitely be deemed as unhealthy. But we aren't some food on the shelf of a grocery store that will clog your arteries. We're a relationship and any healthy relationship fights. Harry and I are just both head strong.

"You want me to leave?" He whispers to me as I lean in. I nod, pulling my hair up.

"Privacy purposes. I'm safe, I'm good." I reassure him.

"If you need anything, and I do mean anything just text me." Niall states rubbing one of his sweaty hands on his knees.

"Yeah no." Harry snorts shutting the door in his face and I turn towards him, eye twitching.

"What the hell is your problem?" I ask with one hand on my hip. This was borderline stalking me, how long has he even been here?

He chuckles darkly holding up his hand to silence me before reaching into his tight ass jeans pocket and pulling out his phone. "Little girl this is my problem." He retorts showing me his call log.

"One hundred and eighty three times?" I mumble in disbelief. "One my phone died after you decided to have your little prissy panic attack. Two, you definetly know my schedule well enough to know I had a lecture today." I say in an extremely calm tone. Sometimes Harry could remind me of my father.

Clapping his hands together in amusement he nods. "Ah yes my darling I do. I know it so well I can tell you that you were supposed to be back here two hours and forty six minutes ago." He states looking at his Rolex. I shake my head, grabbing a chicken nugget out of my bag and biting into it.

"You're being a stalker." I tell him.

"Or maybe just loyal?" He says sarcastically and I turn towards him, watching as he lays back on my small bed. His legs dangle off and he looks funny as he sits and pouts.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

He doesn't answer me. Instead he steadies his breathing and closes his eyes, his hands run through his hair making me stare at him every few minutes. About thirty minutes later he speaks up.

"Are you cheating on me?"

I blink a few times and take a deep breath.

"Look I'm young." I bite my lip. "And I know you probably don't take me seriously at all and eventually you'll realize you just really like my blowjobs. But I love you Harry. I love you with all my heart and right now I can't really give you the world but I can give you my whole world and that means a lot to me. I might be the most cynical, horrible, no good person but I always try my best for you and if you can't see that then maybe you should leave." I breathe, a few tears fall down my face and I wipe them away angrily.

"Babe-" he sits up, reaching for me.

"Get out!" I scream shoving my papers off of the desk infront of me. "Get the fuck out." I cry crouching to the ground. "You know I could never hurt you. I love you and you don't feel the same you inconsiderate jerk." I accuse. I hold out my foot to keep him a good distance away.

"Ari I never meant to-"

I interrupt him promptly. "And don't come back either. Don't call me. Just don't." I instruct him. He can't take me seriously because I'm short and fat. The eyes that always stare back at him will be light brown and they'll never be blue. Our skin tones will never be the same and maybe that's all the confirmation I need to know that we could never work out no matter how hard we tried. I loved him louder than all of his demons combined but he just couldn't help but not realize the reality of my love for him.

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