06 || Favor for a favor

330 21 7

3 Weeks Later

"Well what do you even mean?" I groan, laying limp against the refrigerator. The metal is cool against my skin and I welcome the feeling against my bare legs and back. It's hot as all hell and the air conditioner is broken on the first level of the house.

"Honey Jessie isn't making any real progress so we think it's safe to say we should be here for another two weeks." My mom explains and I hear Jessica laughing in the background with my dad. I pull the spoon from my mouth and small traces of Nutella are found on my lips.

"Can you put money in my account? I've been living off of Nutella, whole wheat crackers, and fruit." I rub my stomach as I feel the cramps slowly destroying my body from the inside out.

I hear her laughing and I roll my eyes.

"Bye mom." I say loudly and she stops, shuffling is heard in the background before there's silence.

"I'm sorry sweetie. Jessica was telling your father and I a joke." She says excitedly and I purse my lips, chucking the spoon in the sink before going back upstairs.

"I bet she was, mother." I narrow my eyes even though she can't see me and my mother sighs.

"Don't be like that, and yes I'll put some money on your card. We should be back in no more than three weeks. I promise, love you baby." My eyes widen as she rushes this out.

"Mom you literally just told me two-" I start but I hear a click and when I try to call back she sends me straight to voice mail. F.uck you too then.

At this rate they won't be here when I start college in two months. I thump into my bed and my phone lights up, informing me that three hundred dollars had been transferred to my account. I sigh, debating on buying drugs and developing addicting problems like my poor sister so I can finally get the attention I deserve.

Before I know it I'm dialing a number I haven't even glanced at the past two months. "Hello?" A voice says loudly and I smile.

"Harry?" I ask and loud laughter is heard before a different voice greets me.

"Thanks Luke." Harry says and I scrunch up my face. The first time I said hello may have sounded too needy and frantic, I'll do this right. "Hello?"

"Harry." I breathe and I hear the noise in the background slowly fade away. A door slams and there's silence.

"Arianna?" He asks and I smile.

"What are yo- Are you busy right now maybe?" I ask even though I already know the answer to that.

"No." He answers and I'm shocked. Anyone else would have told me yes and called me back hours later upon request. Well, my family at least. Funny how every Disney movie ever teaches you what it means to have a family but never ever tells you what to expect when your family breaks apart.

"Oh okay well, mind coming over? I'm lonely." I bite my lip as I add in the last part. No doubt I'd do something with Harry, he's attractive physically and personality wise. Wherever the night takes us.

"Actually that would be great." He says and I kick my feet up into the air.

"Okay well um-" I start but he cuts me off.

"Guys I'm leaving! Don't destroy my shit please." He laughs and I hear a few rude shouts pointed towards him but he just chuckles. "Give me a few minutes I've got to pack my bag." He says and my eyes widen.

"Oh okay." I try to sound normal but I'm screaming in the inside. He plans on sleeping over, the thought makes me forget about my stomach cramps almost instantly.

"If that's okay with you I mean." He adds in and I nod. "Darling I can't see you." He laughs and I almost let out a a giggle, but giggling is for school girls and that is something I'm not.

"Yes." I almost scream but keep myself contained.

"I'll be there in a few minutes." Click.

I look around my room, grabbing the few pairs of ripped jeans on the floor that just didn't make the cut this morning. I tuck them away into their drawers before rushing to the bathroom with a pair of new underwear.

I run the purple lace up my legs and almost squeal at how nice my ass looks in them. Pulling my jeans up over them I brush my teeth and then make sure my toes look decent, God forbid he see them in their natural form.

"F.uck." I hiss as I come to the realization that I don't have groceries. I shove my card in my pocket and pick up my phone. "Hey."

"Hello." His voice sounds so happy and life like. I grab my keys before locking the front door behind me and getting into the car.

"I don't have food. So I was just going to get a few basics." I say.

"Wait I'll come with you." He says in a stern tone and I almost sit up straight.

"Remember what happened last time." I chuckle and I feel like even though I can't see him he barely even cracks a smile.

"You're right. I'll sit in your driveway." He says and I nod.

"It'll take me twenty minutes I swear." I say pulling into the grocery store parking lot. He sighs and I wonder what has him all frustrated.

"Well I'll be here."

"Harry I thought you didn't know my address." I say, picking up some eggs in one hand and placing them into my cart. My eyes look at all the junk food and I come in my pants.

"Baby somebody had to drop Jessica off all those times." Click.

I look at my phone bewildered. He went from goofy to demanding within a month of me knowing him. Now he's being mysterious and I hope I don't die when we step into the house alone.

Once I'm finished I swipe my card on the self checkout and head over to my house. Creeping around the corner I look at the car in my driveway and try to see where Harry is. He's not even in the car. I pull up next to the car and get out, popping the trunk. As I walk past his car I realize he just has the seat reclined all the way back and he's on his phone.

I knock on the window like the psycho I am and smile happily as he looks up at me with equal excitement. That's the biggest smile I've gotten in a very long time.

He opens the door as I grab the few bags I have, closing the trunk with my elbow. "That was cute." He chuckles and I turn around, spinning on the balls of my feet.

I pout. "What was cute?" I take in his attire. His hair is freshly cut like last time rather than sitting just below his shoulders. His joggers are all black and he has a white t-shirt one with a small hand symbol on the pocket.

"You had to stand on your tippy toes to close the trunk. You're very short." He laughs before grabbing the majority of the bags out of my hand.

"'My vertical challenge, it's a serious condition and I'm working on it." I defend myself, twisting the key in the lock before pushing the door open with my foot.

"Somebody didn't drink her milk when her parents told her too." I scrunch up my face at the mention of milk. I like Vanilla Almond Joy milk and that's about it. Milk is disgusting and I hope as a small child I spit it into someone's face every time they tried to give it to me.

"What can I say? I'm a little disobedient." I chuckle placing my two bags on the island. I place my shoes by the door and watch as Harry nears me with a wicked grin on his face.

I take a step back every step he takes forward until I'm up against the front door. "Good baby. I'm into discipline." He breathes before moving away. "Now what movies are we gonna watch?" He smiles giddily plopping himself and his bag on my couch.

Addicted To Black || h.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora