05 || Show Out

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"Hi I'm Arianna Johnson." I smile and hold out my hand politely, she brushes past me and his father ends up grabbing my hand and shaking it instead.

"Hello I'm Richard and that's my wife Lisa." His father greets me with a smile and I sigh in relief.

"Very nice to meet you." I chirp and he nods before pulling out his wife's chair and letting her sit down. I bite my lip and turn to Harry with panic on my face. I didn't want to curse this woman out- I really didn't.


Harry leans into my ear and whispers quietly to me. "I promise she won't say anything too out of line." He bites his lip and smiles as I roll my eyes to mask the true seriousness of our conversation.

"She better not, I will fight your mother." I warn him and he laughs nervously before we sit up normally and face his parents. His mother stares at me and I hold eye contact until our waitress comes and asks us for drinks.

"You know, uh, Lakeisha? Is that what your name was?" She says with a small smirk on her face as she sips her water.

"No, Arianna but close." I nod and Harry glares at his mother from the side of the table. I feel bad for whoever does come along in Harry's life because they'll have to deal with this witch.

"Lemon and water is great for losing weight." She hints and my jaw drops open. "Especially near the breast and thigh area." She adds on and I open my mouth to say something but Harry cuts me off.

"Mom I like her breast and thighs just the way they are. Right darling?" He tries to joke but it makes me turn towards him and his father choke on his bourbon. I pick up my glass of raspberry lemonade and sip it very slowly.

"I heard you like to travel Ms. Johnson, what's your favorite place to be?" Harry's dad interjects and I pray to my lord for his quaint interruption.

"So far Hawaii, or maybe Madrid." I nod enthusiastically. "The skies in both places are absolutely breathtaking. The beaches in Hawaii are gorgeously enticing, it's like you can smell the fresh fruit in the air when you step foot in the public markets" I tell him and he nods.

"You know, Harry has always had a knack for exotic things." His mother looks at me but I refuse to give into her viscous comments, she doesn't want the heat.

"I agree, Hawaii is definitely beautiful. The beaches are truly breathtaking." He agrees with me making me smile in success, take that you racist wench.

"When have you been to Hawaii darling?" She chuckles and he sits up straight.

"My last business trip." He says pointedly and I look at my lap before looking up at his wife. The sadness in her eyes make me want to hurt her more. I revel in her disappointment because she revels in my anger and that's just how it works.

"Are we ready to order or would you like me to come back?" Our waitress asks and Mrs. Styles waves her off very rudely.

"See Mrs. Styles, you're husband likes exotic things too." I smirk and Harry stays silent, no doubt scared of his mother killing him in her mind from just across the table. Everyone had on serious faces before she twisted her face up into a disgusted frown before untwisting it and placing her napkin on the table before her.

"Listen you whore." She speaks, emphasizing the word into something much more than a played out slut who couldn't keep her legs closed. She genuinely wanted to get to me but she would have to try much harder to actually make me snap. This was a game of cat and mouse and I was no rodent.

"Mother-" Harry starts but she silences him with an angry glare.

"No Harry! I don't approve of this." She looks away from him and her eyes locked on me. "This filthy bitch! What about Natalia or Theresa? Hmm not this rat who appears out of no where and tries to belittle me in front of everyone." She stutters with her words but they each fly out of her mouth with a tinge or venomous hate.

"What's wrong with Nani?" He speaks up looking at me. My arms are crossed with a slight smirk threatening to fall from my face as she speaks so lowly of me.

"Look at her. She's simply- disgusting. Her cleavage is overwhelming she smells cheap, she looks cheap, her hair is nigger hair and I though we taught you better! I'll be damned if I let you make a fool of yourself over this cheap thrill." She sneers and my eye twitches.

She continues, swirling her straw in her sink with a plain face. "And Harry, you aren't even wearing a suit. Must be the likes of your new fascination with the darker side."

"Lisa." Harry's dad butts in but she holds her hand up to silence him. We know who always has the upper hand.

"Excuse me-" I start but Harry slaps his hand over my mouth. I punch him in the gut making him turn away. "My overwhelming cleavage is very natural. My perfume cost me two hundred and four dollars and sixty one cents. And if you ever say that word again, we will fight and that was not a threat but a promise and nobody can stop me once I get my hands on you because that means absolute war." I say calmly.

"What word? Whore? Are you saying that you get second looks from anyone else passing you by?" She chuckles and I look down at my lap before smiling at her.

"Mrs. Styles, with all due respect your son is the one with his head buried between my thighs on a daily basis." The words fly out of my mouth before I realize what I'm saying and she tosses her drink at me. I stand up and Harry grabs me cautiously.

"I'm not going to hit this female. You know having an opinion is one thing but being ignorant as all hell is another. Excuse my language because I'm really such a lady but please go f.uck yourself." I grab my drink before chucking the whole glass at her.

"Bye mom bye dad." Harry sounds before pulling me out of the restaurant and I immediately turn to apologize but he dies of laughter.

"I am so sorry." I rush out and he continues to laugh. "You aren't mad?" I sigh.

"Not at all, I mean she is my mother but come on. Does it look like I actually own a suit?" He chuckles and I smile lightly. "I'm so sorry she said those things. I'll talk with her tomorrow."

"I guess this is where we part."

"I guess so."

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