Rebel Love Song

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I ran upstairs to my old room.

My Mum came in and sat on my bed.

“What happened?” She asked hugging me.

“We were attacked walking home..”

“Did Ashley do this?”

“NO! Mum! He didn’t he loves me!”

“I don’t care, you are staying with us for a few weeks and he is not coming anywhere near you again!”

I pushed her out of my room.

I cried all night, I stayed in be the whole day.

I looked at my phone, I had a new message.

“Hey, I  tried to come ad see yu but your parents wouldn’t let me. Are you okay? Love you, so much, so worried, wish I could see you<3” It was from Ash

“I miss you, I really want to see you but my parents won’t let me either, I am fine, I need to see you<3”

“How about you sneek out later tonight? I will meet you outside the house at 8 yes?”

“Hmmm, sure!”

I got ready for 8, and snook out, to see Ash waiting for me in his car. I ran, to his car and he started it up.

I jumped in.

My Dad was walking toward the door.

“DRIVE!” I shouted and he did, we drove off before he could of seen it was me.

“So our Rebel Love Song begins” He smiled at me,

“So it does!”

Ash pulled into a drive way, and got out.

“My house! Sammi and everyone is inside”

I got out and kissed Ash, we stood there for about 5mins kissing before we were interrupted by Jake coughing.

He saw the bruises on my face and hugged me.

“Ash told us what happened, I hope your okay...” He whispered

“I’m fine, but keep this al quiet, me and Ash are banned from seeing each other!” I walked inside, and was bombarded with hugs.

I sat down and we all talked for a while.

“I better get you back Beth!” Ash said, I hugged everyone and Ash and I drove back.

I kissed him over and over, before I got out and snook back into the house.

My parents had not even noticed I was gone.

This was going to be easy I thought to myself,

Me and Ash snook around for the next 2 months, my parents had still forbidden me to see him.

2 months, yeah, my parents were being really strict, I am 26 for god sake! But they were doing it for my good, is what they were telling me.

I was out with Ash again, and we were having dinner.

 “It’s late we better get back, before your parents notice you have gone, because what happened last time?”

He joked

Yes, we got caught and my Dad chased Ash down the street.

It wasn’t funny, but Ash was laughing all the time he was running, I was sat in my room, pissed off.

Me and Ash joked about the thing the night after, I snook out every night to go see Ash, you see.

My parents went out to their social meeting and things almost every night.

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