11: Phubbing

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Steelsmith explained that he temporarily stays with his friend, O'Daire, when he transferred to London. Of course, Prince presented his current abode.
"You can rent a room by the apartment I live in."

"Or you can stay with me."

"I'll be thinking about it. Thanks for the offer," Kale has no qualms over it but Prince gave him some time.

Then they parted.

Prince Charles lays down to his bed, looking up to the sky blue colored ceiling of his room. Smiling.

"Ah ~" he breathes out, "What a day..."

"What a good day indeed..Keep it up, Prince, and soon you'll be his-"

He sits up quickly and subsequently shakes his head violently.
"No way! No way! No way!"

He soon finds himself slapping his cheeks with a hand.
"Wake up...you and him can never be..No, there can never be an us."

His hand stops, as he puts it over his shoulder and rests his head over it.
"What am I going to do with this...this isn't even the first time I've been in love. I feel like a chav..."

His eyes slowly scan to his side, looking over his opened messenger bag. A notebook and the thin book he was reading this morning were sprawled out.

Instead of pondering about this thing known as infatuation, he buried himself with his studies and novel books.


Days continue to pass by.
Prince Charles continue to visit the bar for all the help he can give. The place became a study area as Edevane became Steelsmith's tutor.
Some other time, Prince's group of friends joins them in.

Jack didn't mind. He was later introduced to them.

"Finally, I get to meet Kale's friend" Rachelle greets Jack some happy bear tight hug.

Zax was astounded but returns an embrace with a chortle, giving a tap on her back.
"Ahaha..so much for a warm welcome"

Miss Minsky soon released the hug.
"Sorry I was just overwhelmed. Kale just didn't mentioned who you are.."

"Nah, that's okay," Zax ushers them inside. "Feel at home, guys"

The group finds their seats, joining two tables and carrying chairs enough for them.

Prince started, bringing out his notes and a Parker sign pen.
"As Rachelle and I talked, we agreed to have a fashion start up as our next project in the upcoming 'Immersion week'," he speaks looking from one to another.

"Immersion week?" Kale wondered.

"Oh yes, the teacher haven't explained fully but we will have an outside field practice soon. A blended methodology."

Rick turns to Kale, "Why? Don't you have 'em in the previous school you went to?"

Steelsmith shakes his head once.
"We have. From campus to campus and around, just in our country. Only a select few are able to go out for global experience."

Merry mused over it, "I wonder why..."

"German issues." Kale replied.

Shifting back the topic, Prince spoke.
"Putting that language barrier matter aside, Rachie.." he looks upon his dear blonde friend, "can you do the honor of presenting some of the details of our project?"

Rachelle smiles at them.
"Okay. So, yearly, my family presents a fashion show."
She adjusts her gaze back at Prince.
"And Prince's family helps advertise it," then facing everyone, "So...it's up to you guys whether you walk the parade or join behind the scenes. My family's looking for models anyway."

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