13: Must Love Books

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Training in their respective places became the daily routine.

After office hours, William went on ahead, leaving the two behind who choose to go on a local bookstore. Of all the bookshops in London, the Kokoro's Paper Life is Prince's favorite.
Like any match made in heaven, Mr. Steelsmith and Mr. Edevane share the same fondness on reading books.

A Japanese couple of mid-forties runs the store and have known Prince since he went to college. What he admires the most in that particular area is the smell of, not of dust but of old papers like taking him back in time. Back to antiquity. No E-books, phones or tablets. Shelves were wooden and arranged adjacent to one another. Some piles books scatter throughout the area. Also, there is a space provided for reading, not having any desk or chairs but a mat for sitting. There is one rule though - remove ones shoes before stepping on it as for tradition.

Kale stretches his arms forward before he started scanning through the wooden racks. The store may be small but has many collections of novels and other story books; most old but there are also new ones.
"It's nice to have a tour around and read stuffs aside from the boring school and office works.."

Prince, who stood beside Kale, takes out one paperback.
"We're just starting on the field work and yet, you're already bored?" He flips the book to see the summary of the story.

Kale levels an arm, placing his elbow over Prince's shoulder as he peeks at the book the other man is reading.
"I guess gingers are the easily bored type of person. Just tell me if I'm boring you to tears."

Prince chortles, turning his gaze upon the taller man's eyes.
"No, no you're not. Stop putting yourself down. Gingers are fun to be with."

"You...are fun to be with."

Being thoughtful, he showed him the book he was holding.
"Ho' about we read books like this one.." he refers to the printed work on his hands, "So we can have more craic.."

"Good idea," Kale took the book from Prince's grasp then examines the cover, having an image of an eclipse.
"Is this any good...the Zero Marginal Cost Society-"

the Zero Marginal Cost Society-"

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"By Jérémy Rifkin...yes, good for business minds." Edevane recommends as he searches for another. He slides a finger through the books at shelf arranged adjacent to one another.
"But if you want to take a break from the business world, I recommend you..."

He takes a book with a black and white cover with an image of a teenage girl sitting on steps, and reads the title.
"Ian McEwan by uh, I mean, Atonement by Ian McEwan."

"A love story? Does it have any

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"A love story? Does it have any...hmm.." Kale ponderd scratching his chin.

"..any lewd or erotic scenes?" Prince assumed in jest, sneering.

The German-Irish man burst out a laughter, "Haha, for a squidgy li'l fellow, you're such a pervy..."

"I just acquired it in the depths of your mind ~" answered Prince who puts a finger to his temple.

"Another of your tricks, huh?"
Kale jostled at his companion with a light force.
"But really, don't do that. What if.." he scans looking around, "A potential girlfriend is around?"

"It's just us." The other quickly retaliates, sighing and rolling his eyes up, not even bothering to scan the room. "And the owners by the corner."

"Alright, alright..I'll take it."
Kale now have two books at hand.

"If you so badly not wanting that, I can find you another...more romance..."
Getting his focus back on the shelves, Prince takes a hold of another book when Kale Erík stopped him, touching his hand with a palm. Their eyes met.

Prince Charles can feel the man's callous yet gentle hand and his haughty looks taking him aback.
"Not again..."
It's like the very first time they crossed paths. He just stood there, stupefied. Not even his head can process how or what the feeling is despite happening the second time around. It was a fleeting moment of a racing heart, a wave of panic.

"...we clear?" Kale speaks only to find out that the other male being dumbfounded. Trying to get the senses back, he shakes Edevane's shoulder off.

Prince blinks his eyes several times like he was awoken from a daydream.
"I, I..uhm..so sorry. Just..." "Got to think of an excuse" "Just remembered how tragic Atonement was..." says giving in a sorry expression to support his words.

"Alright, no spoiling of goods. These are enough I guess." Mr. Steelsmith refers to the two books and took a glimpse of his wrist watch. "We can use our spare time to read 'til closing time."

Prince nods. "The shop closes at 9pm...we have at least three hours."

The two sat down the reading area beside each other with their backs on the wall, made comfortable by a cushion.

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