23: Officially Yours

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Back in the bar, Jack invited his long time friend for a drink. They drank champagne.

"So what's the occasion?" Kale wondered as he sits down to one of the chairs outside the counter.

O'Daire, who was on the other side of the counter, poured them drinks half glass for each of them. Champagne's golden clear, bubbles frizzle up.
"We don't need any excuse to drink, right?" He sneered.

Steelsmith takes a sip.
"Hmm...you're right."

"So.." Jack began after drinking his share of champagne. "How's it going between you and Prince?" He asked in a straightforward way.

Kale shook his head and raises his glass towards his drinking companion.
"I knew you've got something in mind. So that's why..." He looked away, putting down his glass, and rubs his nose as he tried to hide his smile but failed.

Jack, in turn, chuckles. "I know that look on your face," he says elbowing the arm of his smiling friend. "Tell me..C'mon."

This one's persistent. Kale couldn't deny but nod, keeping his happy face.
"Yes, I'm beginning to like this Prince. I'm not just sure if it's right or wrong."

Jack wasn't a love expert or something yet being the supportive companion, he gave his friend a pat on the back.
"I don't think there's any right or wrong when it comes to love. Same with, it doesn't matter if you're in the same gender. You just..." he paused rubbing his unshaved chin as he pondered what else to say, "..you just love, I guess."

The German-Irish man takes another sip. Then he looks back at his friend, Jack.
"Thanks. I'd give it a shot then."

Both of them had a toast and empties their glasses.

At daybreak, Prince received a call. He first thought it was his alarm but no. It was him.

"Morning, my sleeping beauty..." A deep voice came from the other side of the line.

"Morning.." Prince Charles replied as he is still laying on his bed. His eyes half shut. "Why so early?"

Kale gave a weak laugh.
"I'd want to invite you for breakfast...that is if you want to.."

"Of course I can't say no to that."

And so Kale picked him up from his apartment and they ate at a cafe.
For him, flowers especially roses are old school. Bad experience. Very bad. This time, he tried a different approach.
'The way to a man's heart is through his stomach'. Hopefully, this works.

Perfect timing. No one's in line. Only about two or three customers are inside. The pair went to one side where they can spend their time alone. And so, they ordered a perfect pair of donuts and hot coffee. Since it's the month of love, the shop made special donuts of different shapes, such as heart and letters related to the occasion. Prince sat while Kale Erík ordered as the latter insisted on treating him.

"Wow ~" Prince's face beamed a smile when he saw the letter shaped donut.
"Wait...but why 'X'?

Kale arranged the donuts together. He puts the ordinary round shape next to the X one.
" X O "

Edevane rubbed his chin. It was indeed Valentines. Most couple would prefer heart shapes to show affection but Kale's a different one.

Kale laughs.
"Haha, here I thought you're the King of know-it-all by knowing the term phubbing.."

" 'Hugs and Kisses'...That's what it means.."

Prince's lips formed an O. Amazed. In his mind, he took note of that.
"Looks like that crown's yours, my sweet lover ~" he says then picks up the X shaped and takes a bite.

"You like it?" says Steelsmith.

Prince nods, savoring his treat.

Kale enjoyed watching his dearest companion eating but at the same time his heart began to race.
"Why is this do hard for me..?" He ponders. It's time to make a move.
He wipes the cream on the corner of his partner's lips with a clean tissue then takes the man's hand.
"Prince..." he paused to take a deep breath in, "I invited you here not just for breakfast.."

Prince Charles on the other hand, stopped chewing when the other took his hand. His bluey orbs locked on to Kale's. There was a moment of silence for the two as they both look on to each other without blinking.

"Does this really mean you love me more than a friend?" Prince gasped as he accidentally blurts out when he realized something.

"You just read my mind, don't you? I was about to ask you the same thing!" Steelsmith was taken by surprise. What a joy he felt. He can kiss the man right now but hold your horses. It's not official yet.

Kale has to confirm it.
"So what's our score then?"

Prince Charles, his companion, now his sweetheart, smiled.
"...it's us."

*A/N: Whew. I made it to Valentines day. Thanks to K.Kreme for giving me this idea. But that's not where I originally derived the title. Hope you like the chapter. Happy Valentines <3

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