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// Sophie //

Tonight was the night.

Every moment I had dreamt of had led up to this point in time. I could feel the adrenaline pumping around my body, filling me with determination.

My bag, which was filled with bundles of clothing and a few food items, hung heavily over my shoulder. I was dressed in tight black jeans, a black sports bra and my black combat boots. My dirty blonde hair was scraped back from my face into a tight ponytail.

I was fucking ready.

Maybe a few metres in front of me, stood the only thing between me and my freedom. A tall wire fence, which bordered the whole of Battery City.

Around me, spotlights randomly circled the grounds, searching for any people who tried to escape the barrier. I knew that I only had one chance, and if I screwed it up, I was done for.

My body tingled with adrenaline, my blood was pumping and my heart was racing. I was ready; I was born ready.


I sprinted towards the fence, my breathing growing fast as I slunk my way up across the wire. My heart hammered so loudly I swore it echoed across the whole of Battery City.

Reaching the top, I stopped to catch my breath and wait for the searchlights to pass. I sat very still, balanced on top of the fencing. If I moved or made a sound, it would all be over.

The search lights passed and I continued to race to the other side, looping my fingers and feet through the small holes.

Suddenly, the searchlight stopped. I held my breath, my heart exploding in my chest. My whole body willed me to continue and get the fuck away from this place.

And then it started again, only this time it switched directions and started heading straight for me. Fuck fuck fuck. I felt my bag catch in the wiring, and a loud tear as I pulled away from the fence as hard as I could. Shit!

"There she is!" Loud voices echoed beneath me. I let out a loud gasp, and tore once more at my bag, finally setting myself free from the grasp of the sharp metal.

Keep running! Don't you dare stop now!

I dropped to the ground, my bag falling a second after me. Grabbing the torn up thing, I turned and started running for my life.

Gunshot sounded in the distance, and I felt my legs quicken in speed as I raced across the plains.

"Get her!" Somebody screamed behind me. I recognised the voice instantly from News broadcasts and interviews. Korse.

More gunfire sounded, and I screamed out in pain as something tore through my right shoulder. The pain shot down my arm and clouded my vision. Crap!

I continued running, my body willing me to stop and rest. My legs were burning with heat but my shoulder was on fire, as warm blood oozed down my arm and seeped into my clothing.

After some time, the gunfire seemed to have disappeared. I realised by now that I must be far enough into the desert. My legs collapsed with exhaustion. I felt my eyelids grow heavy and I struggled to keep them open. Slowly but surely, I fell into a deep sleep.

// Frank //

"Stop the truck!" Gerard called out as the tires screeched to a halt. He jumped out from the passenger seat and bounded over to a body which lay face down in the sandy dust.

Keep Running | Frank IeroWhere stories live. Discover now