Chapter 4: The Truth

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The wind ripped at her clothing and hair, and she wrapped her arms tight around herself as she ran to the house. The ride had been cold, and she still felt shaken from her fight with the nobles. She was glad when she made it inside, dropping gratefully into the kitchen chair. It was right before the fire, and she let the flames warm her till her shivers slowly subsided.

A plate of food was set before her, but she didn't acknowledge the carrier. She ate quickly, filing the hollow space in the pit of her stomach. She had just eaten to her fill when someone rapped on the door.

On unsteady legs she stood and opening the door, a wide crowd of people poured in. They brought with them a cold draft and the smell of crisp, fresh air.

All at once, it seemed, they turned and looked at her. Luckily her grandmother ushered them into the kitchen and living room, diverting the attention from her. Elle felt bad for them as many had to sit on the ground because of the lack of space. From the crowd, walked out the only man she regonzied. All others were a blur of faces, all strangers.

“I think a greeting is in order” The leader's voice easily rose above whispering of the crowd, silencing them.

He grabbed her sleeve and gently tugged her into the centre of the room. “This is Elle...?”

“Sytsova” She replied in a much quieter, quiver of a voice. She ducked her head, letting her curtain of hair to hide her face. 

He replied "My name is Kristoph Dyakov"

Elle shyly nodded her head. She didn't understand herself by she was acting so timid. Her cheeks were blazing in embarrassment. She begged in her mind for all the people to stop looking at her.

Her wishes did not get granted, he only made it worse. His lips seemed to be forming a question, the wheels in her brain revolved around slowly until she understood. “I'm trusting that you still are interested?” He asked this because in his own eyes the bold girl he had seen in the morning seemed to have vanished.

She fumbled to answer it, even though it was a simple question. “Ye-yes.”

She finally looked up after this, sweeping over all the people. She realized that she recognized a few faces. The handful that she knew worked at the palace, and her friend, Charrise , waved at her.

Elle pulled a weak smile onto her strained features. She began to feel more comfortable as a realization came to her. “They are all like me, I have nothing to be afraid of.”

For the first time she didn't flinch from his scrutinizing glaze. “Not all know the predicament I found you in, just that you have the gift."

She nodded her head “Yes, I can morph.” Confirming it to the others.

'Well, would you care to show us?” Elle's eyes widened as she looked for the playful voice, but she didn't catch his face. When before her limbs had been paralysed from the cold, now they were from fear. She had never done it before in front of so many, and not on command.

She drew strength from the look in Charrise's eyes, they were alight and eager. Elle rose a shaky finger and beckoned her into the centre of the room. She was no longer going to let her nervousness get in the way.

She willingly stood and made her way over, weaving through the others sitting on the ground. She came to stand beside Elle, taller then Elles 5.6 height. She had long raven, brown hair, with blunt cut bangs that hung over her caramel coloured eyes.

Elle found her hand, and Charrise squished it reassuringly. She dropped her head and whispered into Elles ear “You can do this, I know you can” without any one else hearing.

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