Chapter 10: Uncertainity

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Grass bent under her horses hooves, as they galloped their way through the farming fields. Shielding her eyes from the noonday sun she looked at her house, perched on top of the hills. Inside her eyes emotions churned, and her shoulders drooped underneath her, dwelling on the princess's words.

Not only half and hour before Elle had stood before the princess and her ladies-in-waiting, her hands folded behind her back and not gripping Comets dark main. The same dread that she still felt had washed over her as she watched the words come out from the princesses smiling red lips. Mocking her in front of her friends never seemed to tire the princess.

Over her cold features she had pastured a fake smile.. She had gone on to explain that there was to be a ball in celebration of the empresses birthday. Elle had watched as she paused before continuing, intent on her next words. She remembered them exactly know, “You are a loyal servant, but I will only allow you to accompany me if you are able to find something suitable to wear. From which I presume you can not. So Ill reward you instead with the privilege to retire home for the evening.”

The princess's laugh as she had fled from them echoed in her mind, even loader then Comets hoof beats, as she arrived at her house. Slipping off, she left her horse to graze before taking a careful step into the door. She slid her feet along the worn wooden flooring, making the littlest noise possible. As she neared the kitchen she heard first the scrap of cutlery upon plates, accompanied by a low murmur of voices. Next the smell came to her, a mix of spices, bread and meat.

Her mother first saw her slim figure standing still inside the doorway. Elle saw as she took in a hastily gulp before a smile broke across her features. Exclaiming out she beckoned her over to the table, “Elle! Its been so long for you to dine with us. Why are you home so early from the palace?”

Stepping out from the shadows, her face was now seen to them. It was only her lips and eyes that gave her away, they were downcast, and her eyes dark pools. Her mothers expression fell, and pushing back her chair she came to stand before Elle, her eyes roaming over her face. In a tender voice she said, “Whats wrong Elizaveta?

Elle dropped her head, walking to the table and heavily sitting down. They didn't question her further as she served herself and ate in silence. Her head feeling clearer from the overwhelming bitterness, she was able to pull her eyes from her plate to look at them. Clearing her throat all she offered was a feeble explanation, “There's a ball so I was allowed off early.”

Her grandmother and mother shared a glance with one another, before focusing back on her. And before she knew it Elle had split everything that had just happened to her, the words racing off her lips. Only to abruptly stop in her tale.

A fierce spark had brightened her mothers eyes. Stirring into activity, she quickly rose and grasped Elles wrist between her rough callused fingers. Tightening her grasp she pulled Elle to her feet. Elle stumbled, a protest hovering at her lips, just for her to be pulled forward. Struggling to get her feet in tow with her upper body, she was tugged deeper into the house.

Finally her mother stopped, and Elle wrestled her arm out from her mothers hold. She peered into the shadowed darkness of her mothers room. One weak ray of sunlight slanted in through the heavy curtained window, revealing dust particles hovering in the air. Stirring the still air, her mother rushed in. Kneeling before the closet, she bent over, pulling forward a old cardboard box.

Curiosity brought Elle to her mothers side, and she watched intently as her mother carefully slid off the lid. A gasp escaped from Elle, upon seeing the contents within the box. A amber coloured dress of such dazzling brilliance was neatly folded within. With slow, dream like movements, she picked the dress up from the shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2012 ⏰

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