Loving Him

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I cried myself to sleep, I mean, I must've.

"Mel..." it was Lance. I shuddered again and wanted to crawl into a hole and not get hurt anymore.

"Mel, I bought ya something to eat for dinner."

He was biting his lip like all the hot guys do in the movies. It...well he was perfect. I didn't want to be mean, but it's just my history...which he knew before he exploded on me...

"Well are ya just gonna let it get cold over there? Bring it over here for me to eat!" I told him, and his shy face went into a subtle smile.

"Look Mel...I'm awfully sorry for yelling at you earlier. I got a hot head like my dad."

I looked at him patiently and waited for his eyes to meet with mines again.

"It's okay Lance. I know. Everyone has it."

He smiled at me. Then, he moved the tray out the way and told me to stand up. I thought it was some medical thing or something, but it wasn't. When I stood up, he looked awkwardly around the room, and then he hugged me. It was a hug. I hadn't actually touched people in a while. Didn't really have a need to. My Uncle Joe was always hot and sweaty and told me never to hug him because he'd just cry because I remind him so of Aunt Helen and she's gone. After Kyle left me, I didn't really...I wasn't ready to trust boys again, so I never let them touch me. If they did, I'd flinch, and it'd make me look awkward, and guys wouldn't really touch me after that. But Lance...I don't know...Lance was different. When he hugged me, it was sweet and genuine, much like I imagined my mothers were. So, I hugged him back. After what seemed like forever, he let go.

"Ya know something?" Lance said, biting his lip and pulling me away from his body just enough to look into my eyes.

"What?" I said, looking up into his eyes.

"That robe your wearing really suits you."


"Really," he said again, he made me smile.

"Well, that's nice, but your dad gives these robes to everyone."

"But no one in this hospital looks as beautiful as you do in it."

"Come on Lance, you can stop now, I'm not some little high schooler anymore, I understand the world and stuff...I totally understand that I was an idiot for staying with Ky-"

"Kyle? Yea, you never told me that stuff before Mel, you didn't loose Kyle, Kyle lost you," Lance said, kissing my face. I melted. I couldn't. I mean I dind't want to. I mean in a hospital? Where another patient could walk in? Where his dad could walk in? WHEN I HATED PEOPLE TOUCHING ME?! WHY WAS MY MIND AND BODY LETTING HIM TOUCH ME?! Then I realized...I was touching him back and I liked it...a lot...

Finally, my common sense kicked in when we both jumped when someone clicked the door to the room. Lance just pulled the curtain that separated the rooms. Then, he had his way with me. We got on the hospital bed and kept quiet. He just smiled at me and I smiled at him and laughed a little. Then, his dad turned the corner.

"Lance...Lance, making this guest feel a little more at home are you?"

Lance straightened up to his dad in the cutest...no wait I was falling for him by calling him cute...in the most respectful way and said "Yes sir, I am."

"Mhmmmm," Lance's dad paused and smiled at the papers in his hand and then continued, "Let's not go too far hmm? And Mrs. Melanie, you can go now, I'm sending you with medicine for your heart. Take it as much as the bottle reads."

"Thank you sir," I said, smiling and realizing that Lance had his arm around my waist when I tried to grab the bottle from his dad. We were so busted...but Lance gave me the best time of my life I'd had in ages. Sure, he'd liked me since September, and I tried to tell myself I hated him, hated every man. But I was done living in fear. This summer would be my summer. Lance winked at me when I tried to grab for the bottle from his dad, and when his dad walked away, he kissed me on the cheek multiple times.

"I'll protect you forever Mel, I love you okay? I've loved you since I first met you. You know that?" he whispered in my ear as he nibbled it.

"Okay," I whispered back, slightly gigling, "Thankyou." I wasn't in love with him too? Not yet....or was I?

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