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I looked in the mirror. Again, a tear stained face. Why? Well, it's been a while. It's been three weeks of Lance and me doing ....whatever it is we are doing. But Lance just seems...well different. Sometimes, I love it. It's like a totally different person, but still Lance. But sometimes, it scares me. It's not a bad change, it's just....sometimes he gets really touchy feely when we're in public. Or...he'll have the urge to make out? Believe me, I loved it, but sometimes I just feel...used. It's not like we do anything in public, other than hold hands really. But sometimes, he gets cold. That monster that was eating him up when I first met him last year, the same monster I felt frrom him in the hospital bed. And the fact that he has a party tonight and I'm not invited? Yea, sometimes I feel like I'm being used.

*Lance's POV*

I hope she doesn't notice. But latley...I've been craving her more. I crave every inch, every second, every hour, every moment I spend with her. I want to be there for her. I want to be ...I want to be more than just there. I wanted to make it something more. My friends and I were meeting at my place to talk tonight. I screwed up though, I told her it was going to be a party.

*Melanie's POV*

Hey babe(; -Lance

I read the text and my heart stopped. How was I supposed to feel? He blew off our date for a party at his house that I wasn't even invited to. It was 7:00 pm on a Friday night, and instead of being out, I was none other than watching a re-run of I Love Lucy. But..I can't stay mad at Lance. Earlier today he gave me his hoodie. He told me to come home and whatever I do, wear it so I can remember him while he's gone. It made me smile but...something about it seemed awkward. But, me being the weak, naive person I am, texted him back.


:( babeeeeee-Lance


don't "what" me sexi(;. -Lance

Then, I knew it. Lance was drunk. Or high. Or a combination of the two. I didn't even know he did that. But the fact he just called me sexy? He'd always been super respectful to me. He only called me beautiful and pretty. Why would he call me sexy- well sexi? I had to figure out what. So, I played along with him.

srry sexi(; -Mel

thats more like it;))))) -Lance

imy :( -Mel

imy more babe, hey why dont ya come over(; -Lance

I knew that was or something else texting me. Seriously? Lance? inviting me over? He never did that sort of thing. Ever. He didn't want to take advantage of me, but I had to know what was going on, so I headed to his house without even texting him back.

*Lance's POV*

I don't even know what I was thinking. Mel see me like this? Why was I texting her anyway? I don't even remember texting her or what I said. I looked in the mirror and looked at my eyes. Bloodshot red. I looked at my body: shaking. Why had I even done this in the first place? I know Mel wouldn't like it. But..she seemed to play along with the texts. As I was remembering the sexy texts we had been sending each other, I noticed she hadn't responded to the last one, but then I heard a doorbell. Crap.

*Melanie's POV*

"Yo sexy," Lance said, pulling me into a kiss, and because of the smell...or look of him, or the combination of the two, I blacked out.

*Lance's POV*

Oh God, what have I done?


short but powerful. because a lot of kids face peer pressure and give in everyday. but don't worry guys, lance will regret he EVER gave into peer pressure. plz like, comment, follow and all that ish :) love yous ;* <3 

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