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*Lance's POV*

I seriously couldn't deal with the stress anymore. My leg was shaking. I was so so worried about Melanie. I pulled out the joint. Why did I even have it? I had promised her I'd stop. I liked my lips wondering if I should do it or not. I looked over my shoulder. My door was locked. She woulnd't smell it, I wouldn't do it that much. I mean...she doesn't even really care anyway. I mean well she does, but at the same time she won't care. She'll love me anyway, just like when it happened last time. I put it to my lips. It felt good at first and I relaxed. Then, I heard a creak of my door and turned around.

*Melanie's POV* 

He was doing it again. I didn't give him a chance to explain. I mean the first time he did it, it was painful. It was painful enough to cause me a heartattack. But walking in on him doing this? It hurt a lot more, but instead of letting it upset me, I ran. I ran out of Lance's house. I was hurt. I was angry. It wasn't even sadness anymore, it was anger. It was the monster that had a grasp on every human being. A monster that had previously been my heart attacks. A monster that had broken loose. A monster that with my ability to control. I ran and ran, as tears streamed down my face. I could hear Lance. He was right behind me and his feet were coming closer. I ran. I ran for my life.

*Lance's POV*

Why was I so stupid? Of course she'd care. I couldn't let her get away. She was my life. She had changed me. She made me realize I didn't need to fit in the with crowd. The only one I needed to fit in with was who I wanted to. But here I was being an idiot, smoking a joint, with her right in the house. Then, I realized one of her heart attacks could strike, and I would be responsible. So, instead of sulking for myself, I ran after her. 

"MEL! MEL! WAIT UP MEL!" I yelled and knew she heard me. Then, she seemed to start running. It seemed like she was...scared. It pained me to see that she was scared of me. It reminded me of the first day I'd seen her in that hospital bed. She was scared to death of me when I yelled at her. I tried to push the memory from my head when she tripped. It was my perfect chance to save her. Save her from herself, save her from, well...the old me. The me that wanted to fit in. I couldn't live without her. I'd try anything.

*Melanie's POV*

Great. I fell. I knew I wouldn't be able to move. My head had already been spinning. This is the first time I've fealt true anger in a while. Anger isn't something I even feel. Why'd I even feel it towards Lance? I should've known that he couldn't go long without that....that junk. I was sitting here, trying to help him stay away from it. Distracting him with my presence. Yet, for some reason, he was doing it. Again. I can't even..I don't want to cry....but I do. I want to cry and be mad at the world. I did start to cry.

"It's okay babe," it was a familiar voice, and I just...cried into his arms. Whoever it was was strong. But then I wasn't Lance. It was...Kyle.

*Lance's POV*

Drugs were costing me the very thing I loved most. I couldn't believe it. Kyle came out of no where. Or I assumed that's who he was. He was carrying her away somewhere. He looked around before taking her. Then, when she realized who it was, she started struggling. She called out my name. But I...I hid. If Kyle didn't know I knew where they were headed, it'd be better. I hid until Kyle successfully looked around and perceded to run with my love. I was so angry. I never wanted to smoke ever again. This summer was surely becoming something to remember. 

*Kyle's POV*

I've honestly been trying to change and be better for her. She was still fighting. She always fights me. Ever since she knew the old me. I held on to her tight. She needed someone to look at her leg. She fell and twisted it pretty bad. Jail was so easy to break out of. They really should watch our cells more often. For some reason, she calmed down in my arms. Thank God, because we were at my hotel room. Which, by the way, if you were wondering, I signed in under a totally different name, unrecognizable in case the police did find me. And as for Mel....I didn't...I didn't want to hurt her anymore. Those like...5 days I had in jail, I realized I didn't want to hurt her. But yet, somehow I know she felt that spark. That spark a few nights ago when I kissed her. It wasn't just because it was hot. We were hot. We belonged together. She knew that somewhere deep in her heart. There'd been a pain in my life ever since she left home for "college". I thought it was because I just wanted to have sex with her. But...somehow I realized that it wasn't because of that. It was because she'd left me for good. She left me with this...this pain. A pain I'd never experienced before. A pain I never wanted to feel again. A pain I was willing to give everything up for. I laid her down on my bed in the hotel room. She was so beautiful. God, I was falling for her all over again. I got ice for her leg, I didn't really know what else to give her.

*Melanie's POV*

I was having a heart attack. I was still...awake and breathing. I could feel the pain. I was having a mental heart attack. A brain fart. My heart wanted Kyle because Lance had betrayed me. At least Kyle never lied to me. I mean yea he smoked and drank, but at least I knew about it. Plus, Kyle and I weren't bad together, we weren't good either...but, I don't know. Something was different about him. I felt him place me on the bed. Maybe things weren't different. I opened my eyes and through my blurred vision because of my tears, I saw him in the fridge getting ice. I wondered why. Then, he slowly approached me and put the ice on my leg.

"Ba...Mel, I don't want to hurt you. I just...don't want to hurt anymore," Kyle said, as his eyes looked like they were filling with tears. My eyes did the same. I hated myself for this. My brain must still be on vacation, becuase here I was, giving into him. I was crying. I was doing what my stupid heart wanted to. Kyle was all I knew. As I sat there, he smiled at me.

"'re beautiful, don't cry," he said, as he wiped my tear. My heart practically jumped in my throat. One because I had been afraid of him, but ...but these were the things that made me love and tolerate Kyle when we were together. I smiled and he reached over to my face and tried to kiss me. When I backed away, I closed my eyes. I knew he was going to slap me. When I didn't feel anything, all I heard him do was chuckle.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I just wanted to kiss you because...Mel I love you. I miss you. Please come back home?" he asked me the same question he forced on me a few nights ago. But this time....this time it felt different. Kyle had truly changed. Then, I heard a bang on his hotel room door.

"POLICE! OPEN UP!" and the pain flushed back. The pain from Lance's betrayal, the pain from Kyle still being the same person he claimed he wasn't. One that was always running or hiding from the law. The pain of the two guys in my life was seriously taking it's toll on me. But somehow, I was still controlling my heart. Then, Kyle opened the door. Standing behind it was not only the police, but also Lance. Lance who's face was a mess. Lance who looked as if he was crying. When I saw him staring at me, I grabbed Kyle's hand. Lance's face dropped. I pleaded for the police not to take him, although they did. I could see the tears in Lance's eyes. He wasn't pissed, he was upset, he felt the pain I wanted him too. The same pain I felt when he smoked in his bedroom.

"I'll be back to take you home," Kyle said, smiling at me as the police pushed him out the door. Lance felt the pain and he just broke down and flat out cried. The police left us. They locked the door and said they'd pay for the room for tonight, then we had to go home. Lance just stayed in the corner. I couldn't move becasue of my leg. We stayed like that. He stayed huddled in his corner, and me in mine. We coped with our pain differently. This summer was becoming a pain. I just wanted it all to end.

((Guys, still picking a cast! melissas toats in charge but you guys can still suggest :) love you all, please vote, comment and all that ish(; who do you ship?! kyle and mel or mel and lance?! btw this has a lot to do with peer pressure. please beauties, never ever give into peer pressure, you're all beautiful and wonderful in ur own special way, ily<3 xo and chapters usually wont be this long i just was pissed and had to let you guys know peer pressure isnt' your way out xo))

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