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((Melissa @MWalker98 has done a wonderful time of picking the cast guys.<33

Melanie: Blake Lively (Picture is included in this chapter and she's also the cover xx)

Lance: Beau Mirchoff (picture will be included next chapter;))

Kyle: Lucas Till (picture will be included the next next chapter xx)

Pictures will be updated soon of all the cast, one person per chapter :) xo))

Song for Chapter: Something That We're Not Demi Lovato<3 


"Morning babe," Lance said as he wrapped his arms around me. I was up attempting to make breakfast. He felt so good up against me. His body next to mine just felt...good. It was like electricity flowed through my veins whenever he came around me. I felt his prescence as he had laid on the floor next to me all night, but this was different. Physical touch was differerent. It wasn't better. Physical touch gave me something that him emmotionally being there couldn't. However, him emmotionally being there gave me something his physical touch coudln't. So, in a sense, neither was better than the other. They couldn't be compared.

"Something on your mind?" He said, kissing my cheeck and leaving my physically to sit down at the tiny kitchen table.

"You," I said, as I smiled and turned around with a plate of eggs and bacon. I placed it right in front of him.

"Oh really," he said, smiling and pulling me to him.

"Really," I said, the words came easily. Too easily. Sometimes, I felt that Lance had control over me. The same control I had over my heart attacks, Lance had over me. But to be fair, sometimes, I felt like I had the same control over him.

As I thought about this, he turned me around in his lap. He turned me so that my legs were wrapped around either side of him. He looked at my face and then he leaned in for a big kiss.

'I love you," I heard him pant.

"Love...more," was all that I could get out. The only thing that stopped us was the doorbell. Which was odd because Lance like never ever got company. Ever.

"MELLLLLANNNIEEEE," was all that was heard from the other side of the door. I straightened up. I knew exactly who it was. It had been legit two days. Two days of peace, two days without this drama and only with Lance. Two days that I was paying for now.

"Mel..." Lance had a new burning anger in his eyes. 

"Just .....don't answer it," I said matter-of-factly. 

"Mel...he could bust the door open. This is a cheap a- cheap behind appartment," Lance said, scratching the back of his head.

"Melanie, just open up, we know you're in there," a quirky girls voice called. A voice I hadn't heard in a while and never wanted to hear again. I tried to gain control over my anger that had risen up inside of me, but this time, once agian, I couldn't completley control it. But...instead of a heart attack, I....I...I don't really know what I did.

*Lance's POV*

She...she looked angry. Then hurt, then tears started in her eyes. I saw her trying to fight the pain bubbling inside of her. I didn't know what to do. There was obviously a drunk man at the door and a girl that Mel didn't like. I don't really know what happened. But she opened the door before I could comfort her. She opened the door and she slapped the girl...whoever she was...hard. When I say hard I mean like....WWE wrestling hard. And all Kyle did was laugh and he grabbed Mel and pushed her up against him and kissed her. And Mel, barely concious, let him take over her body. Before I knew it, I was on the floor, sprawled with someones blood, and regretting ever doing anything.

*Melanie's POV*

I was still awake...barely. I didn't know what was going on. I punched her and then I think Lance? took me back into his arms. Then, something inside my mind made me know that it wasn't Lance. Lance wasnt' rough like this. Lance didn't make touch rough and cold. Then, I felt someone lift Kyle? off of me. When the perosn did, they perceded to push me across the room to safety? Everything was honestly a haze. All I knew in my head was that Lance was keeping up on his end of the deal he promised me way back in June. Now, still on July 4th, or 5th maybe? he was protecting me. He was keeping me safe from the people I didn't want. I smiled..or tried to, as I knew this to be the truth. Lance and I were attached on a deep physical and emmotional level, and I think this thing that we had both planned to be a summer fling, had turned into somethign that would hopefully last forever.

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