~f i f t e e n~

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A/N: That last chapter made no sense :/

·Mario's POV & Thoughts·

*At the hospital*

Kaitlyn, Matt, and I waited in the waiting room for news of Alyssa. A nurse walked up to us.

"Family of Alyssa Espinosa"

"Yes" Matt replied

"I need to talk to the parents, can you please contact them, Also you may visit Alyssa but she may be asleep"

Kaitlyn and I walked towards Alyssa room which was: Room 152, Second Floor. Matt was talking to Alyssa's parents walking behind us. Kaitlyn slowly opened the door towards Alyssa's room. We all walked in very quietly.

"Kaitlyn, mom & dad sent Aunt Jenny to pick you up while Alyssa gets released out of here" Matt spoke

"Okay, but I hope Alyssa is ok" Kaitlyn replied

"Mario are you okay?" Matt asked

I didn't answer, Of course I wasn't okay.

"Yeah, I just hope that she's okay" I let a tears slip out of my left eye followed by the right eye

"She's a fighter Mario she won't let us down"

Kaitlyn had already left with her aunt.

*2 hours later*

Alyssa's parents arrived 1 hours ago, her parents were signing papers at the office. I sat next to Alyssa and she started coughing. I looked up, she slowly opened her eyes. The same nurse from earlier walked in with Alyssa's parents.

"Oh Mario, I'm sorry but..." Alyssa's mom said as she ran her fingers through my hair

"She lost some of her memory and well she may have forgotten some people" The nurse continued with, "She will be released tommrow in the after noon"

"Wh-" I trying to finish but my tears won

What if she forgets our relationship. What about us.

Alyssa was fully woken now. I looked at her, she stared, she pulled Matt over and whispered in his ear.

"That's Mario your boyfriend" Matt said

"I have a boyfriend?" Alyssa spoke

"Yes, you do"


·Alyssa's POV & Thoughts·

Mario. That name sounded familiar. Matt said that he was my boyfriend, I don't really remember having a boyfriend. Maybe.

Mario walked up to me, everyonw left the room so just me and him.

"Mario Selman right?" I questioned

"Yeah Alyssa Landry Espinosa" He smiled

Wow he knows me well :)

I hugged him, Mario Thomas Selman is mine.

"How did you get your memory so fast?"

"I don't know. Weird af"

"I love you Mario Thomas Selman"

"Not more than me Alyssa Landry Espinosa"

Yo, I haven't posted in a while😥
I will try to post more often😩.


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