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Standing right in front of you is a man----no, scratch that. A boy.

Judging his face, he's rebellious. And not just his face. His expression, too. He looked like he had to deal with a pain in the ass !

"...So..." You made a small mumble. "...You're the knight mom was---"

"I'm a prince." The boy said with obvious annoyance. "Do I look like a knight to you ?"

You shrieked, and backed a bit away from him, moving to your bed's corner. "But mom said you're a kni---oof !"

You heard a sigh as you felt pain on your back. You groaned in pain, and the boy stared down at you with furrowed eyebrows.

"Damn, you really are a wimp."

You gasped, and glared, sitting up. "You're mean ! I'm not a wimp !"

"Judging your face, yes, you are." He sighed, and bent over to pick you up. Then, he placed you back on the bed.

"You're the princess. I'm still confused how you'd rule this kingdom someday, wimp."

"And you're a prince ? You look more like a runt assassin than a prince to me. Liar." You answered back with a scowl, making a cringe out of him.

"Tch. Remember---you are powerless. Wimp. I can throw you out at the window."

"Well---I'll scream."

"But it'll be too late."

"Yes, but..." You looked away in deep thought, before turning back at him with a smile. "You'll be in trouble."

The boy stared, and crossed his arms. "Well, clever. One point." He sighed. "Your mother doesn't know I'm a prince. I came here as a knight."

"You don't even seem like a kni---"

"Okay, that's enough, you wimp." He grumbled. "Just don't ask questions as to why I came here as that. But I got accepted. That means I'm strong. Be scared."

"Oh, I'm really really scared~!"

His face scrunched up. "I'm even a second prince---you're just a third, so I'm still higher ! Tch. I'll be the King someday. I'll steal that crown from Kid and surpass everyone in this wor---"

"Okay, that's enough, runt." You sighed, yawning. "You're not a prince here. You're a knight. My knight. So currently, you're lower than me. I can make you kiss my foot in two seconds."

"Like hell I will."

"Like hell you won't."

He shoved his hands in his pockets, and made a dark grin.

"Wanna bet ? Challenge accepted."

The Royal Runt (Blackstar x Reader) [AU]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora