Chapter 16: Royalty Card

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[Blackstar's POV]

"What happened ?!"

Fleitte was at the gates. I was dizzy---but I kept tight grip around the princess. This is my fault. Everything that happened today is my fault.

...She didn't even see the damn lanterns...

"Explanation, later." I panted as I dropped to my knees right when I stepped in the gates.

"...(y/n)... A-and... Pharmacists... Now..." I muttered, struggling to keep my balance so I won't drop her. My whole body felt like lead. Maybe it was the fifteen-minute, full speed run I did. My whole body wanted to stay still---and when I moved an inch, it gives this stretchy feeling that increases the pain. I feel sore.

But this is nothing. (y/n)'s wounded... And that's a bad thing.

I think I just scarred up this princess real bad.

Fleitte seemed like he had another pair of glasses, and he's wearing that at the moment. He ran to me, and gently took (y/n) from my hold.

That was the last thing I remember before passing out.

"I thought you said you hated being her knight."

I looked up at the zebra with large red antlers, its yellow eyes glowing and staring down at me. "So much for the said hate..."

"Hating to be a knight and hating her is different, stripey... Besides... This is my fault. I brought her out there---if I followed the king and queen's rules, she would be awake and reading her book right now." I say with a sigh. The zebra moved close to me, however.

"Do you still remember what you learned in that diary ?"

"Uhm, yes. Of course. The... Punishment thing...?"


I grunted, and let myself fall on my back, and relaxed my laid-down body. I felt the water soak my clothes. But I only stare at the cloudy, blue with patches of white sky.

"I don't care."

"What does that suppose to mean ?"

"I don't care. Listen, (y/n) deserves to learn new things, too. Not just be stuck in the castle like a firefly in a jar." I said, yawning. "Even if it means they'd punish me for it."

"I know of the said punishment."

I paused, and sat up, feeling some of my hair drip water. "...How ?"

"I am your conscious, Blackstar. Here, when reading a book---you can see the next paragraphs from peripheral view, right ?"

"Uhm... I guess."

"I read what's in that peripheral view, young knight. I know."

"Then what's the punishment ?"

"Pain, young knight. But each time they do, you find out more secrets."

"Pfft. Pain ?" I let out a laugh. "I can handle pain more than I can handle books !" I crossed my arms and huffed. "If that's all, then, I'll be fine. I'd even take (y/n) out again."

The zebra turned away.

"If you say so."

"You drool when you sleep."

...That's not the best choice of words to hear first thing in the morning.

I sat up, and yawned, rubbing my eyes... And my mouth. Since someone just said I drool when I sleep. Yeesh man. I was tired.

"How are you feeling ?"

I see. It's the red-head. I turned to Fleitte, and shrugged. "I just woke up. Of course I feel groggy or something."

...And that reminds me...

"Hey, how---"

"(y/n)'s fine. As you can see, you're in your room. She's next door, asleep." He smiled. "Good job bringing her on time. If you didn't, she would've died..."

"Of course. I took her outside, she's my responsibility." I sighed as I decided to ruffle my hair. With the corner of my eye-it's called Peri something... Forgot what though... Peri the platypus ? Ah, whatever.-Fleitte created a small frown.

"...Blackstar, the king and queen told me to escort you to the throne room once you wake up. They want to discuss things..."

Ah, here we go.

"Just," I looked down, just to see I was shirtless, and I only had the pants I wore yesterday on. Then, I got out of bed. "Let me take a shower first."

"...You shouldn't have done this, Blackstar. It has---"

"Consequences ? Bad ones ?" I grabbed my towel. "Yes, Fleitte. I was very aware of that. But hey, at least they not going to cut my head off."

"(y/n) doesn't know, Blackstar, she'll just keep on asking. You'l---"

"Hey Fleitte," I chuckled. "I'll be okay. I promise. (y/n) would never know."

"O-okay..." He sighed deeply. "...Tsubaki did the same thing you know... I hope you don't end up with the same fate.

"Fleitte, I am Blackstar. The only day I'm going to die is when I become an old prune stuck in a wheel chair." I shrugged as I opened the door, and took a shower to get myself ready with pain.

As I did, however, thoughts ran like a train. I had time to think. Tsubaki's diary-I have to get that from (y/n)... I can gather more information. Although (y/n) would flip if I do that...

I sighed. Damn. Being a knight is hard. I have to babysit (y/n), have to watch out for 'Night' guy, be cool as fuck... While my family's growing roots from their asses, sitting on their thrones.

Hmph. I guess I'm starting to appreciate my royalty card,


To be honest I was planning to put this in hiatus since there were not much votes and such...

But someone asked for update and I was just "Oh... Okay"

:p bit shorter than any chaps, but I hope you enjoy~

The Royal Runt (Blackstar x Reader) [AU]Where stories live. Discover now