Chapter 3

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Hannah's POV
So, Grace had gone home extra early to 'prepare' for the In Stereo concert tonight. Like mentally prepared or she'd 'die' if she didn't look 'hot' enough.


And here was I, stuck at school with no transport home since mum was 'assisting' her with her outfit tonight.
It is just a concert people, not a fashion show.
So according to Grace, I smart enough to figure my own way home. It was only ten minutes away after all.
I walked to the Wheelers Hill Shopping Centre from my school as it was legit just right next school and waited for a bus near there.
The orange patterned bus halted next to the stop and relief flooded through me. I hadn't missed the bus.
A boy with a dark blue hoodie and black sunnies clambered down the steps of the bus and lept into the bushes. Literally dived into the bushes
Strange kid.
I climbed the steps of the bus and found a seat.
It was a cold day and the glass windows of the bus was foggy. I raised my finger and traced lines on the window. I smiled to myself.
I'm such a kid.

"Thanks so much for waiting." A voice panted.
"All good kiddo!"

I pulled my gaze away from the window and saw the boy in the hoodie walk towards a seat.
The seat that was right in front of me.
I don't think he saw me though.

I peered over my shoulder and saw that all seats were empty.


He took up his wallet and sighed in relief.
"Thought I lost you baby." He cooed fondly to his wallet.

I, have never, EVER, met anyone who talks to their wallets.

It's just weird.

I think he caught me staring at him because his head flicked up. He gasped.
He ripped his shades off his eyes.

I found myself mesmerized by a pair of dark chocolate coloured brown eyes.

I'd recognise them from anywhere.

Thanks to Grace for making me play games with an In Stereo poster.
She used to play Question and Answer and pretend she was one of the boys as she claimed she knew everything about them.
I've studied everyone of their faces too many times to not recognise them.
And I knew for a fact that I was looking to the same boy I saw from my car window.
It was Chris Lanzon.
Chris POV
I raise my shades in shock. She was the same girl that had been in my mind the whole afternoon.
"Hello.." I stuttered out. "I'm..Chris Lanz...zon."
Be a man and stop stuttering Christopher.

She studied my face with her bright blue eyes that was like the colour of the water at Bondi Beach.

"I know." And she turned her face back to her phone, scrolling through..what looked to be like her Instagram feed.

I blinked once. Twice. Nothing. She gave me nothing. No surprised look or screaming, just nothing.

She wasn't going to look back at me again. I could tell. Her face was masked with what looked to be like concentration, resulting in tiny wrinkles between where her left eyebrow met her right eyebrow. Her Bondi blue eyes flickering left and right as she read what was on the screen. Her long lashes nearly concealing them. She had a snub nose which made her look like she didn't have a single care in the world. Her bright red lips without a tinge of lipstick painted on. Her nearly black hair with brown streaks with medium curls that fell down to elbow. Her skin was radiant and tanned which I could tell was beach skin as I spent to much time there myself.

She was definitely different to all the other girls. To anyone else, she might just look plain and ordinary, but something about her made me curious.

"Will you actually stop looking at me like I''m the prettiest girl you've ever seen? I know I'm ugly."

"Well that's because you ARE  the prettiest girl I've ever seen"

Her face snapped up towards me.
Shit! Not appropriate Chris! My good conscience scolded.
Haha, you're in trouble Lanzon, my bad conscience laughed.

"Are you blind bro?! Have you looked at this?!" As she jabbed her finger towards her face.

"I think that," I directed towards her face,"is beautiful."

She blushed and hid her face in her silky hair.
I reached over the bus seat and let my hand find their way to her face. I held her chin gently and raised her head finding her blue orbs with mine.
She was definitely not ugly.
"Don't try to hide that face. I think it's the most perfect thing I've seen in my life."

She blushed a beetroot red.

"You say that to all the girls, and besides, there are prettier girls in my school who are more popular and rich. I'm just ordinary."

"Don't ever say that again. I don't know what it is about you that makes me want to know more about you, but you're different."

I gently tugged my hand away from her chin. And all of a sudden, it was like she snapped out of a trance and her pupils dilated to become more focused.

"This is my stop. See you Chris."
Casually, she got up off her seat and walked down the aisle of the bus.
"WAIT!!" I hollered after her and triped down the aisle. She turned her head slowly my way.
"Will I ever see you again? You don't seem like a fan and probably won't ever come to a concert."
She grinned and I noticed that she had a cute dimple on her right cheek.
"Well Lanzon, I might not be a fan but my sister surely is. So lucky you, I'll be attending just this one concert tonight."
My heart started to beat faster.
"Oh that's great!!"

She opened her mouth to say something.

"Good luck finding me in the crowd." She laughed

There was that dimple again.

"I'll find you don't worry. And besides, we have a Meet and Greet after the concert, and I'm pretty sure your sister would come over over to meet us."

She nodded her head towards me, all the while not breaking eye contact.

She turned around to walk down the steps of the bus. The door made a creaking sound as it shut.
The bus started to move away. Then it hit me.

"WAIT!!! PLEASE!!!" But the driver had already driven the bus too far to turn back.

"Sorry brother, too late. I have to finish my run anyway. It's getting late."

"That's okay. You've already helped me so much."

I sighed and plopped back in my seat. Stupid me.

I didn't even know her name.

a/n: I swear the next chapter will get to the concert. Please vote to get more people to read. Thanks guys!!

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