Narnia Is Different

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  Peter and I followed behind Edmund as Susan and Lucy followed behind us. We made out way together through the ruins looking for any more into what had happened to our home.

Edmund kneeled down beside a large rock, it was obvious that this rock didn't belong here, it just didn't fit in. "Catapults," Edmund stated. We all looked at him in shock. "What?" Peter asked. Edmund turned his head to look at us and said, "This didn't just happen. Cair Paravel was attacked."

He got back up onto his feet and then Peter let go of my hand and wandered off a little away from the group towards where several stone walls still stood strong with large vines growing up and along them.

Peter discarded a few twigs and dead weeds before starting to lean against a part of the wall. Edmund quickly help him and they made quick work of it and as the wall moved to the side it revealed a large old wooden door. There was a place for a key but unfortunately we didn't have one.

Peter took advantage of the wood being old, and rotten and broke through some of the wood around the lock and by doing so was able to open it. It was pitch dark inside. As the door swung open for what must have been the first in a very long time, it broke of the top hinge and then hung there slightly, leaning away from the wall.

Peter then grabbed a large stick. He pulled out his pocket knife and began to cut away at his school shirt, he ripped off along strip from the bottom before glancing at Edmund's bags. "I don't suppose you have any matches, do you?" He asked as he wrapped the with fabric around the top of the stick to make a torch.

Edmund pulled open his bag and said, "No . . . But would this help?" He grabbed a flashlight and offered it to Peter.

Peter smiled as he said, "You might've mentioned that a bit sooner!" Edmund just smirked as Susan, Lucy and I giggled. Edmund headed through the door and down the stone steps. Peter motion for Lucy, Susan and I to go ahead of him. Susan and Lucy followed Edmund and I was about to as well but then Peter stopped me.

I faced him. "What?" I asked and he smiled. He leaned and gave me a passionate kiss. We pulled away. "I love you," He said. I smiled, "I love you too." He took my hand and we headed down the stairs.

We continued down and Lucy grabbed my hand as we got the large iron gates. This was the vault. Peter let go of my hand and passed Edmund and Susan. He pushed open the gates and we all stepped inside.

"I can't believe it," He remarked as he gazed around the room in amazement, "It's all still here." Lucy rushed over to her chest on the far right, being watchful of where she stepped. My chest was situated between Peter's and Edmund's. Edmund, Susan and I walked over to open our own chests to see what we could find.

The chests were very large and the lid was quite heavy, which was to be expected with it being made of solid gold. There were engravings all over the chest telling about us and our lives here in Narnia.

I turned back as I heard Lucy say, "I was so tall." She hold one of her golden riding dresses. "Well, you were older then," Susan remarked as she pulled out her bow and quiver in hand. Edmund then spoke, we looked at him with his helmet on and saw it was too big for his head, "As opposed to hundreds of years later . . . When you're younger." Susan and I giggled.

Peter blow the dust away from the item in his hands, and we saw the image of a Lion on a large gold plate. He looked up to see the statue standing behind his chest in between Susan and I, and slowly walked towards it.

I pulled out my bow and quiver and looked at my sword. Lucy's voice the broke the silence asking, "What is it?" I glanced over my shoulder at her and Susan. "My horn," Susan remarked, "I must've left it on my saddle the day we went back."

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