Aslan's Howe

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Lillian POV
After several minutes of walking along with Dad and Caspian, Mum and I fell back so we could walk alongside Aunt Lucy, who was speaking with Reepicheep while walking behind Trufflehunter, Trumpkin and Nikabrik and she beamed at me.

"So," Trufflehunter spoke, "What are they like?" He was obviously speaking with Trumpkin about my family, "Complainers . . . Stubborn as mules in the morning," He replied. Nikabrik then sarcastically replied, "So you like 'em?" There was a short silence before Trumpkin spoke again, "Well enough."

Mum leaned down towards Aunt Lucy, "I knew he would come around. We are just so likable." Aunt Lucy tried to hide a laugh but she failed, causing the three Narnians in front of us to glance around at us curiously and I giggled.

We noticed that Caspian and Dad had come to a stop at the tree line and so we jogged up to see what they were looking at. I stood in between Caspian and Dad. The Prince on my right discretely took my hand to his. I shyly glanced up at Caspian and saw him shot me a smile before looking back in the direction of Aslan's Howe.

Mum stood on the other side of Dad, between Aunt Lucy, while Aunt Susan stood in between Caspian and Uncle Edmund.

We walked together in a line; Lucy, Peter, Mum, me, Caspian, Susan and then Edmund.

Caspian had let go of my hand. We made our way through the stone area and under a large stone archway. As we approached the Howe we saw the entrance, a ramp leading down into the ground and inside the large stone structure.

And on each side of the ramp stood a row of centaurs all awaiting our arrival. Together we came to a stop and watched as in unison the centaurs unsheathed their swords and spun them into position so they were parallel with their bodies, each hold the sword with one hand at the bottom of the hilt and the other twist backwards to hold the top of the hilt just below the blade.

Then they let their swords fall, creating an arch for us to walk underneath as they were our Guards for the entrance.

Dad, Mum and Aunt Susan strode forward and Uncle Edmund and Aunt Lucy followed a second after. Caspian had stopped and I smiled encouragingly at him before walking to join my family with our heads hold high.

A young centaur, still a boy, had let his sword drop and the centaur next to him helped him lift it higher as we past. Mum, Aunt Lucy and I smiled at him as we continued walking.

We entered together and the first thing my family came across once entering were dozens of Narnains of all shapes and sizes working together on weapons in a forge.

Aunt Lucy and Aunt Susan continued on forwards a bit while I stopped with Dad, Mum, Uncle Edmund and Caspian. As my parents and Uncle gazed around at the happenings, Caspian spoke, "It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible."

They turned their stares to him and nodded in understanding. Aunt Susan called from the other end of the hall where she stood next to the opening in the rock. "Peter, you may want to see this."

Uncle Edmund and Mum shared a look before heading over to Aunt Susan with Dad, Caspian and I following behind them. We followed after Aunt Susan into the stone corridor and on each side of the room there were carvings and paintings of me and my family. Dad grabbed a torch from the wall and studied the pictures more closely.

There was Aunt Lucy, Mum and Aunt Susan on Aslan's back when they went to free Narnians from Jadis, the White Witch. There was their coronation, though strangely enough they had the seating arrangements a little mixed up as it went Uncle Edmund, Aunt Lucy, Mum, Aunt Susan and Dad when it had been Aunt Lucy, Aunt Susan, Dad, Mum and then Uncle Edmund.

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