Chapter 2: Docter

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Nagisa was laying in a bed with a cloth on his forehead. The students took turns watching him in groups of four. The group currently watching were Kayano, Karma, Isogai, and Rio.  They each had worried faces.  They couldn't stop thinking about what happened and what Karasuma said.

" Students we will be staying at this hotel longer than expected.  Nagisa was apparently poisoned by this man here."
The students looked back at Nagisa who was burning up. 
" It is not the poison that you were poisoned with, in fact it's worst.   It is a slow and painful one that will eventually end in death."
The students eyes went twice as wide.  They couldn't believe that after they had been cured the one person who wasn't was on his deathbed.
" How long does he have before.   .   . You know?" Kayano asked.
" Five days." Karasuma replied.
"Why aren't we bringing him to a hospital!?" Sugino raised his voice. 
"He is in no condition to move and changing environment is also bad.  The best we can do is stay here.  I have already told the principal to contact all your parents."
Karasuma who was surprised looked down at the floor.
"ARE WE JUST GONNA LET HIM DIE!?"  All of the students looked at the floor.  Rio, who was one of Nagisa's trusted friend, started to cry.  She had never wanted this to happen.  Kayano walked up and hugged her only to be squeezed by Rio who sobbed quietly.  A tear went down the green haired girl and she also cried.
                    End of flashback

     Kayano changed Nagisa's clothed and placed it back on his forehead.  Karasuma walked in with a man in a lab coat.  He had a stethoscope around his neck and looked at the students. 
"Hello, I am Docter Misuki. I will be looking after your friend here."  He pointed to Nagisa.  Karasuma told the four kids to leave the room.  He told them to gather all the students and bring them to the lobby.  With that he headed back into the room and the four proceeded to do what they were requested. 

     All the students looked like all their energy had been drained and they eached looked at Karasuma with the same tired look. 
" The person who hired the man was none other then Takoaka."
The kids look changed.  They changed as soon as they heard that name.  Rage. 
That was what filled the room. The students couldn't  explain their feeling but they know that rage was one of the words that described it best. 
" We will also be getting ingredients for Nagisa so the Docter can either cure it or slow it down.  That is all.  Korosensei  will each give you a list of what we have to find."  A gust of wind flew by and each gave the kids a few pieces if paper.  They each had writing and pictures of plants and other things that they needed to gather.  
" Please get in groups of four and head out."

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