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Merry Christmas, I hope that so far this story has interested you. I know it's not finished but I promise new chapters are being released soon! In the meantime, I have a little side story for you guys. My Christmas present to you all! Hope you enjoy!!
"Okay everyone! It's time to choose our event for the Christmas festival!!" Isogai announced. Excited chatter broke out in the room and excited cheers were heard. The girls especially.
"Well, since Yuma-Kun is already a waiter, why don't we do a Christmas cafe!" Kurahashi exclaimed. The girls all agreed and even some of the boys. Some boys protested but that was all.
"Okay, it's decided." Isogai smiled. Yada put her hand up.
"Uhh guys, remember that since Ritsu is a machine we're short one girl!" The other girls nodded.
Nagisa shrunk at the sentence. He knew that only one thing was going to come out of this. Karma slung his arm around him.
"Well, we have a substitute right here!"
Karma patted Nagisa's head. Nagisa faced turned red from that and looked about ready to burst.
"No. Last time we did this a guy fell in love with me! Remember?" Some of the students laughed and others just face palmed.
"C'mon Nagisa! It's fine. It's not like A class students are coming by." The students nodded. Everyone started talking at once saying "Yeah Nagisa, nothing's gonna happen." All the others started joining in the conversation. Suddenly, Nagisa slammed his hands on his desk causing the class to stop talking.
"NO! I ALREADY TOLD YOU I WONT DO IT AGAIN!! I ALREADY GET ENOUGH OF IT FROM MY MOTHER!" Everyone was shocked at their blue headed friend. He had never raised his voice like that. Ever. Nagisa himself was shocked at that and immediately ran out of the classroom.
"Nagisa! Wait!" Kayano ran after him. Karma and Sugino followed her. The other students realized it was snowing and that Nagisa was only wearing a sweater.
"Guys, we have to follow them." Mihaera stood and grabbed there coats. The other students followed.

Nagisa ran and ran into the forest. The snow was melting in his shoes and he was only wearing a sweater but he just kept on running. At first he could hear Kayano, Karma, and Sugino but now there voices were gone. He couldn't believe he did that. More than that he couldn't believe Karma would do that after he told him about his mother. He was so upset that he didn't want to stop running. And even at that the class encouraged it knowing fully well about his mother and her temper. Out of nowhere, a rock tripped Nagisa and he fell and rolled down a small hill. His hair ties flew out and his blue hair scattered as he rolled.  When he landed, he hit his head on a trunk of a tree and his ankle hit a rock. Nagisa felt his head with his hand and felt something sticky. When he looked he saw blood. His eyes widened before losing consciousness. His world faded into black.

Karma couldn't believe himself. His devilish part took over and said those things. When he yelled he realized what he had said and ran after him with Kayano and Sugino. They had decided to split up, they had lost his tracks. He was now yelling Nagisa's name amd running around. When travelled a little farther he saw something weird.  The snow was shifted and was leading down a hill. He ran to see what was at the end. What he saw widened his eyes. Nagisa was laying unconscious under a tree with his hair out of his pigtails. He ran up and checked for injuries. He felt his head and found something sticky. He knew all to well what this felt like and decided not to look. Karma shook Nagisa to see if he would wake up.  He got a small protest and fluttering eyes as his response. 
"Nagisa, hey! Are you ok?!" He slowly lifted him up.
"Karma-kun? What happened?" He looked dazed and looked like he forgot what happened.  Once he realized where he was he sat up more quickly. It was a really bad mistake.  Nagisa felt nauseated and almost collapsed again. Karma noticed and held him up.  Taking this as an opportunity, Karma opened his mouth to say something.
"Nagisa, I'm sorry for making you do that. For some reason, my devilish part of me wanted to tease you." Nagisa just stared at him and started laughing.
"Karma. I know that this is a serious issue, but your face looks like a child!" Nagisa quietly chuckled.  Karma just looked bewildered.  The he chuckled with him.  When they both calmed down Karma asked if he could walk.  When Nagisa tried to gay up, he winced when his ankle stung. 
"Karma my ankle feels sprained."  He felt his ankle and winced whenever he did. Karma just sighed and kneeled his back down to him.
"Here. You can ride on my back." Nagisa flushed slightly, but quickly got on as it was getting colder.  As he got up on Karma's back he realized how warm he was quickened her pace. As they walked back, their classmates were gathered up in a group waiting for them.

When they met up, everyone crowded Nagisa and asked him if he was okay. They also apologized for making him do it that. After Kayano took him to the infirmary. The day ended with a lot of apologies and a lot of politeness. As Nagisa and Karma walked down the mountain, Karma couldn't stop looking at the bandage on Nagisa's head and the way he limped.
"My mother is going to have a lot of questions." Nagisa said, breaking the silence. Karma didn't reply.
"Karma, what's wrong?" Nagisa asked. Karma snapped out of his trance and looked away, blushing slightly.
"If you are worried about me, then don't be. I'm fine and it's my fault anyway for running out so suddenly. I'm really sorry if I inconvenienced you-" Karma put up a hand to stop him.
"You did not. I'm just sorry for pushing you into that position. Can you forgive me, shorty?" He stared at the blue haired friend right in the eye.
"Don't worry. I already did. And stop calling me shorty." He lightly punched him on the shoulder. They both just laughed and headed to the train station. It was an interesting day for both of them.


Merry Christmas everyone! My present to all of you is this little side story! Don't worry your guys' continuous support is a present that can last forever. See you and may all your wishes come true!

Assassination Classroom जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें