Chapter 5: Attempts and Failures

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     Everyone's eyes shot open.  Those words striked every heart in the room. Karasuma sighed and quickly got up and pulled out his phone.  The students gathered around Nagisa.
" Do you really not remember us, Nagisa?" Nakamura asked. Everyone looked at Nagisa with desperation in their eyes. 
" No, I'm sorry I just don't know any of you."
" Not even Karma? I mean he was with you during your first year of middle school?" Sugino asked.
Nagisa nodded.  " I'm sorry."

     Karma POV

   'This can't be happening' I thought. 'My best friend can't even remember me, and I was with him the longest!' Everyone just kept on telling him about us and the assassination but nothing worked. My only question is, will he remember us?

Kayano POV

I should've told him sooner! Maybe the Gods could've saved him all this suffering! I should've told him I loved him!! And now look what happened. His face is blank, his eyes are dull, he's not wearing his usual smile, and now he can't remember us! It isn't fair! Everyone's trying there hardest. Saying different scenarios. Even the fight with Takaoka and why this even started. He just sits there and looks absolutely overwhelmed and none of us can help him.

Nagisa POV

Blank. All these people around me, with kind smiles and patience and Blank! Why can't I remember anything!? They all are different and they all make me feel warm inside but............. WHY!?!? I DONT KNOW ANY OF THESE PEOPLE!! WHY CANT I REMEMBER!! THEY KNOW ME BUT I DONT KNOW THEM!
I want to know them and this person they say is me sounds very nice but I just don't know them and...and it makes me sad that I can't be that person they know.

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