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Pulling up beside the road, Kaylie smiled, seeing her friend run up to the jeep.

"Hey, sorry we're late." Stiles said, as Malia placed her lips on his, making him moan.

Liam poked his head through the seats, smiling.

"I'm sorry too." Smacking his side, Liam jumped, pulling his body back to look at Kaylie, who was glaring at him, trying to hold back a smile.

Kaylie moved to the side letting Malia in next to her.

Everybody's head turned to look at Malia, including Kaylie's.

"Did you find out yet?"

"Find out what?" Liam cut in.

"They're gonna email me." Malia nodded. "Well that's promising" Lee joked.

Liam looked between Malia and Kaylee "Is this about summer school?"

"You told him?"

"I-" Liam cut Stiles off. "No all they said is that you have to go to summer school cause the principal said your test scores weren't good enough and you'd have to repeat junior year." Kaylie lifted her hand up and wacked Liam in the back of the head.

"Ouch. Why?"
"Cause your stupid. That's why."

"We should of left him chained to the tree." Stiles sighed, turning around.

"Probably" Kaylee groaned.


"Should I get my nails done?" Kaylee asked Malia.

"I don't know. But Lydia says that the dirt under my nails is horrid. I think the dirt in fine."

"Mom. Do you wanna go get our nails done together?" Melissa McCall looked up from her clipboard and smiled at her daughter. "Sure, baby. I'm free next Sunday afternoon. How's that?"

"Perfect." Kaylee smiled at her mom, and turned around at the sound of one of her best friends voices.

"Malia. If you were going away and I told you, Don't worry. Go have fun. What would you think I was talking about."

Malia looked at Kaylee and looked back at her boyfriend. "Fun like bowling. Or sex with other guys?"

Kaylee started laughing at her twins reaction.

"Oh god. Yeah now I'm worried."

"You should be." Kaylee smiled, trying back around at her best friends

"So. Nails. I wanna do black again. But I'm second guessing."

"I wanna do red. But black goes with everything." Malia sighed, picking at her hang nail.

"We should definitely do black."

"Come on. Let's get to the school." Stiles grabbed Malia's hand, pulling her with him.

"Okay. Hey, Stiles it's me, kaylee. Best Friend since 1st grade. Still here, haha." Kaylee waved sarcastically at Stiles and he groaned. "Let's go, Lee."

Kaylee stood her ground, and Stiles groaned louder. "I swear. Kaylee Ann McCall, let's go."

"Fine." Kaylee sighed, skipping over to Malia, linking their hands and pulling her with her to the beat down blue jeep.

"Ah come on." Stiles said, laughing and catching up to the two best friends goofing off outside.

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